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...and this is the perception of left-wing politics as a whole common here. The one our people outside carried with them. The one children younger than me grew up with. The view of "socialism" Venezuelans have.

I see the people who have fled, and what they think, and I fear for a country that won't come to accept progressive ideas anytime soon, all thanks to this farce, this government ran by actual thieves. Out of all the injury done to us, I fear this will last the longest to heal.

VnzP6, almostdoneIswear 

The rich either lost that status or fled. The middle class, like me, went further and further into poverty. Toilet paper, soap, clothes, shoes, nevermind food and medicine. It all became a luxury. Living became a luxury. The rich in cahoots with chavismo kept their power, of course. A dictatorship sold as socialism and social justice [social justice... that shoved queer people under the rug, chavistas sending off homophobic and ableist slurs on live TV]

Venezuela P5 

...and the economy tanking. Inflation going beyond the roof and (still!) going up. While he kept stealing. Using anti-capitalism messages to drive his followers to be against first world countries... All while he and his closer allies sent their families to study and vacation to these very same countries, all while he used their products, all unattainable by the poor people. Whose numbers kept growing, and growing, as the middle class got erased, the poor became poorer...


(gotta save that message space)
He only helped the poor as far as gaining votes, keeping followers and fomenting violence against the opposition was involved. His free educational programs full of his political propaganda, the private companies he expropriated filled with his [mostly less than qualified...] followers, opposition voters [heh, "secret" voting...] fired unceremoniously. People who can barely fend for themselves who stood against him having their business shut down...

Venz pol. Atmosphere P3 

And not the common, temporary kind of sadness. It made me sad for this country's future. Chavez came into power selling himself with fancy wordwork, calling himself a socialist, and making promises about empowering the less fortunate. What he actually did was steal from everyone, keep away foreign interaction except that beneficial to him, and keep the poor under his thumb by handing out scraps of food and other goods as though he was helping them, or as if it was enough..

Venezuelan political atmosphere P2 

Not stealing from the rich to feed "lazy people" and the like, on top of blindly praising right-wing economics and countries that follow such models, giving praise to the USA for "giving them opportunities to escape poverty" while using that as an example of "why socialism/communism [yes, the usage of them as though they were one is common here] doesn't work and will never work".

It didn't make me angry. Instead, I felt a really deep sadness.[Tobecontinued]

Venezuelan political atmosphere 

I haven't had a place to rant about this that wasn't a chat platform so, here goes.

The few times I go on Twitter recently and find comments by fellow Venezuelans who have left or want to leave, I almost always see scathing criticism of left-wing politics, and in particular socialism and communism. Usually the same arguments I see made by right-wingers from the first world online, blah blah not letting lazy people leech off their hard work blah[to be continued]

Froyo boosted

About to one-up everyone that participated in No Nut November by getting my balls chopped off

@Chel probably for the best 🤔

Less people faces, more cute people's anime avatars :B

@SallyStrange oh, nice! Tbh regarding the jobs thing, it's kind of a bummer how it has to factor into what people study. But I'm likely to start complaining about capitalism so I'll just say people should be free to learn what they wish without money as a limitation x)

@Chel the more I learn about it the more unpleasant it seems 🤔 I hear it involves lots of "Social Interaction" and "Looking At People In The Eyes" and that's scary 👀

Froyo boosted


Hi everyone!

I'm Azrélia, a French trans woman and a huge nerd in science and space related stuff 🚀

I draw sometimes and I showcase some of my art on @Anzeliane

Nice to meet you all! ✨

@SallyStrange agreed! Certainly far more than "how to dig out prehistoric poop and destroy the planet for the sake of capitalism" engineering :B

@Chel m o o d

Text walls are horribly under appreciated 🤔

@Chel 😀

This is a perfect example of "I DON'T LIKE TALKING ABOUT ME *hits message length limit and needs to rewrite an introduction*" tbh oof

Oh yeah. Hi! I'm Froyo, as of this post 20 years young! I'm Venezuelan, very much mixed, pansexual/panromantic and some kind of as of yet undetermined non-binary (I'm comfortable with all pronouns so dun worry about that :3)

I spend my time shitposting on Discord chats, playing video games, with my cats and other nerd shit. I love coffee. I'm also currently studying petroleum engineering but I want to switch to environmental engineering :0 Many interests, little energy.


Honestly I will poop on English as a horrible language whenever it comes up

But reee, Spanish can stand to learn how to be gender neutral without using masculine nouns as default *and* stop gendering everything and everyone >_>

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!