Froyo boosted

I'm really sick and tired of people just coming out as shitheads tbh

@heartles thanks for the clarification
So many people call things "ass" and like ok folks please tell me is this like bad bad ass (not badass) or good ass (and/or badass) smh

Froyo boosted

here's the hot take and i'm not convinced y'all are ready for this 

"i don't wanna think about [persistent race-related issues on the fedi] i just wanna post about how gay i am"
is covert white supremacy

responding "i'm white BUT ..." to That Poll is covert white supremacy

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Going out for the first time since the beginning of the year took wayyy too much out of me >>

...and I kinda wish being drained meant I felt like "uwu now I'm tired" and not "the next person to look at me funny will regret ever being born", which I think is what my face was saying :blobcatoh:

Froyo boosted

For my non-Mexican friends, let me explain: the Spaniards seem to be selling some kind of pumpkin seeds with Mexican spice (I think "pipa" is how they say seed over there, I'd call that a pepa or pepita). The slogan they used says "real fuckwit sensation", where they tried to use the most Mexican word they could think of, "pendejo", without knowing what it means.

It would be like selling some potato chips in the US with British flavour using the slogan, "tastes like bollocks!"

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Can't wait to taste these dumbass-flavored smoking pipes :B

Spaniards and their shit smh lmao

Covid, venz pol, + (?!) 

All these news of chavista politicians getting the 'rona fill my heart with rainbows

Get Maduro next please :blobpray:

Zelda fanbase, straight people 

Ahhh lmao nothing quite like seeing Gamers™ lose their shit over a silly rainbow server logo lol.
Dudebro kept going about how The Gays already have the same rights as he does so there's no reason to have a [checks notes] rainbow logo, it upsets him uwu so sad. Kept demanding evidence of homophobia and claiming violent cases of it were coincidental
Of course, the obvious happened when I appeared... :V
Gotta love 'em

Froyo boosted

my haters are weak, they cant even hate me as much as i hate myself

Since today is Venezuela day, I feel a strong compulsion to say my innermost thoughts on this lovely country today, more than ever

Fuck this country, may only the ashes remain :V

Froyo boosted

one of my greatest hopes is that forums someday take off again.

...I am thankfully well and thoroughly accustomed to disappointment 😅

This has been my frustration-fueled rant on the subject
Please listen to voices with relevant experience when researching about countries you've never been to, we've had enough shit from both right winger gringos and leftist gringos.


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Turns out the world isn't quite so black and white
Most of the comments on it I saw came down to "uwu I agree" like. Stop.

If you don't know, say, Spanish for Latin American countries, who are you going to listen to? Who do they want you to listen to? Gringos who have never touched Latin America? Talk about your white savior complexes. Can't have those browns speak for themselves, they shouldn't be smart enough for mayo language, nevermind legitimate thought amirite

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How do I measure this invisible value according to leftist gringos?
This isn't the first time I encounter this but holy shit. It's the same deal with tankies tbh. Please don't be so naive as to think the only third world people who are objecting to issues in their countries are from the ~wealthy upper class~

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If I got to learn English because my dad gave me an N64 when I was a kid, am I the wealthy and privileged? Is my voice on the matters of my country not worth listening to?
How many oppression points do I need to count as the poor and oppressed? If I don't get to have breakfast nor dinner when money starts to get tight, am I worthy of being listened to? If I don't have, say, toilet paper, deodorant and shampoo most of the time, and I one of the upper classes still?

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Nevermind the audacity to tell people what voices they should or should not listen to based on that while you yourself stand above and beyond us in the privilege ladder. There's really no other way to call it than silencing people who break the image you have of the white socialist utopia of your wet dreams while keeping your own voice in power

And the black and white view of people who got to learn English in third world countries

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Now mind you, there is a bit of truth to "ability to speak and read English is associated with higher economic status" in countries such as mine, no denying that

But the fact is, even people who had that luck in these countries _still know more about their own countries than white people who never set foot on them_.

It's *slightly* absolutely ridiculous of gringos to think they get to decide whose voice is more valid than the rest based on their limited view of us

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Someone showed me a video by some gringo leftist dude living in Argentina that essentially went like "don't trust English speakers from non-English speaking countries, they represent the white upper classes and their interests" while being [checks notes] a white first worlder who has English as his first language

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White leftists will never cease to impress with their ability to be insanely dumb as fuck

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Computer Fairies

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