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hey, you
yeah, you, the person reading this

ur cool keep it up

Tankies, venzpol 

lol I had a white trans tankie say Maduro and Chavez were good no more than ten messages after I mentioned the slightly minor detail of them being repressive, homophobic dictators

This is the bad timeline

@Chel helloooooo! Yeah I started popping up more recently but don't really have the attention span to toot lmao

Good luck :< the faster you can disconnect from that, the better. Prolly not ideal but eh what the hell. Mental health is priority :V

@Chel yes... You do.

Run from the news, enter the world of kitten pictures and wholesome memes

(It's more fun)

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I've been lurking and maybe sorta perhaps back?
I disappeared pretty hardcore there haha, having a slightly hard time remembering who's who @_@ brain bad.
Hi Mastodon :3

_is alive_

Hadn't forgotten about masto but defs kept forgetting to revisit lmao oof

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it makes me so happy to see young trans people

imagine being in like grade 9 and knowing you’re trans. that’s raw fucking power

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Demanding that people CW their requests for financial help is classist and directly harms people who need help. Get over your anti-poverty bias and let people ask for the help they need without being shamed for it.

Searching here on Masto gives me some truly headache-inducing results ._.

Gringos need to learn some really basic lessons like "don't talk about shit you don't understand" and "avoid spreading bullshit born from your own ignorance"


Found this tweet someone posted on whatsapp some time ago and it's a gigantic mood. Tl is:
"I'm about to turn one year older and I can only think about the youth that was taken from me living in Venezuela
They stole my opportunities, my friendships, my freedom, independence and my mental health
It's unbelievable how much the young Venezuelan has had to go through."

I have a perfect image to use for when Gringos Are Happening

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not necessarily ragging on her writing ability, she's just an execrable person all around and i'm glad to no longer feel that she's untouchable

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i will say it is very nice having people who i can comfortably declare that jk rowling sucks shit to

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if there was REALLY water on the moon Nestlé would have an operational rocket program by now.

just sayin'.

In case anyone needed to know still.

is a fucking shitshow and it has always been, but these past four days have been SPECIAL.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!