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Negative, VENEZUELA 

Sooo being without power, internet (even carrier internet, for whatever reason) and WATER for more than 24 hours is



And I don't recommend it. I'm still not up on why the fuck it happened but it was country-wide and disastrous.

@scarly basically agreed with KH Historian!

So I'm just gonna add that young!Scarly might be spot on, it's just that change of that magnitude naturally wouldn't have occurred so quickly, but it is absolutely happening and will keep going forward in due time.

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when i was a kid, i remember giving a presentation on how the internet would bring people together and help end hatred. that was a while ago, and obviously it didn't work out that way.

still, i find that i am personally able to make friends that i would never have been able to make if the internet wasn't a thing. that, at least, makes me hopeful for the future, even though today and every day can be depressing.

Spanish is better than English because uh

"Gender" and "genre" are the same word in the latter so I can say shit like "I have no genre" and mean "I have no gender" and get away with it. Or "my gender is rock".

You heard it here first.

Weirdass thoughts and dream 

Don't you just love going from "thinking about this old acquaintance a lot lately" to "having intense af dream about this person that seems to imply you were into them" all of a sudden

When they're also one of your sister's exes at that.

Can I get a refund on my brain thanks asffgjkllsldjsobdd

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American Food Review (why?) 

@Chel that's the real philosophy behind science

Between the socially forced handshake and grip or kiss in the cheek with hug plus me feeling a compulsion to clean areas of my body touched by someone else...

Can I just say I hate greeting people IRL? >_>

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coming out as some variety of lgbt in certain areas is typically the equivalent of pushing a reset switch on your entire social network and starting over from scratch

Love that feeling when you *know* a teacher is awful and don't understand them, but everyone else is like "nah I understand it's just you" to the point I start to believe it's just me...

And then almost the whole classroom absolutely bombs the first exam :v

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Selfie, eye contact, some skin 👀 

Took a wild hair, need of shaving selfie before shower last night aaaa

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Trans woman, rejected for asylum & deported, killed 

#Transgender woman who applied for US Asylum on creditable death threats, and was deported back to #ElSalvador, has been killed :*(

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Public announcement:

The only bothersome aspect of your fundraising posts is the fact that our society necessitates this sort of support shifted about amongst the most vulnerable people!

You are wonderful and valid and asking for money will never ever change that.

Froyo boosted they're also smart as fuck for not exposing their brains to such a crappy language.

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mental health shitpost 

I'm putting the "cutie" in "executi(v)e dysfunction"

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“Forced diversity” aka “stop reminding that nonwhite people exist”

Rather than keep spamming stars on your messages or respond to conversation I feel I won't be able to add anything meaningful to, I'll just say this

@SallyStrange you're pretty damn cool :3

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!