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i love how everyone on mastodon just unites on one opinion: bridge is pretty great

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tired: Make $1000 a month by working at home!!

wired: Make $100 a month by being gay!!!

selfies, majoras mask, face not visible, boosts ok 

@Zelli I LOVE

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selfies, majoras mask, face not visible, boosts ok 

i can be your angle... or yuor devill

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in the same breath:

mary sues aren’t real

men can be OP and survive anything and win everything and no one cares

let women be the same way

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i'm gonna say it AGAIN

if your game only allows for a male playable character, but ESPECIALLY a cis white male

it's bad. it's a bad game. you've made nothing original. it's boring. bad bad bad

Because I can't actually scream my lungs out in physics class, allow me to do so here

[screams lungs out]

@scarly tropes are awful and anime tropes are a special kind of awful

There are ISSUES(TM) with Fate/ as a whole but one of the first ones I got since first playing the VN was more or less "so... why isn't she the protagonist???" :v

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Hot take: post-apocalyptic fiction is so popular because people desperately want to live lives that aren't yoked by capitalism, but are unable to even conceive of such a thing happening without the world ending first


I'm too lazy to delete and repost so what the fuck

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Fate/Stay Night would be 10x better if you killed off Shirou at the beginning and made Rin the protagonist alongside Archer and Saber

Change my mind (good lick)

Lewdish? shitpost 

When you're watching Spider Man, misread "The Daily Bugle" as "The Daily Bulge" and like

Oh my

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there's an intersection between privilege and how much someone trusts in authority

basically, it’s like this. the more privilege you have, the less likely you are to have ever been at the wrong end of militarized police forces, unfortunate socioeconomic outcomes, and general institutional oppression

the ability to blindly assume good faith in all circumstances is not something that everyone gets to have. please understand this in your conversations with peers that maybe don’t have it as well.

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my favorite thing ever is when white lgbt people say something racist and then act like they’re being attacked for being lgbt when they get called out for it

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Note: I'm not OK with aphobia. I'm queer and asexual and aromantic people are welcome to be in the big happy queer tent with me. If this isn't you then kindly fuck off; don't follow me and don't interact with me. Unless you enjoy me yelling at you about it and then blocking you, I suppose.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!