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instance block

another low-moderation trojan horse for MAGA-heads and islamophobes

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Who would have thunk a movie about Facebook would sum up Incel mindset so perfectly.

Venz pol, positive (?!) 

Fullstop talking to a non-Chavista leftist Venezuelan about our country's politics is the most refreshing shit ever even if I'm ignorant of a lot of things

And a far cry from reading gringos comment on it for sure lmao

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my current todo list for the month is basically

_ recover from concussion
_ launch a socialist revolution
√ continue to be cute

i have some work to do

Broke: joking about dying
Woke: realizing jokes about dying are lame
Bespoke: signing up for a gym knowing you *will* die.

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mastodon meta (fairly important) 

gargron is now on record as saying that the mastodon api is only for mastodon

what this basically means is that the mastodon ecosystem of apps, helpful tools, etc will only ever be reliably compatible with mastodon with the rest of us jumping through hoops to try to reverse engineer it

so, in summary, a community that is allegedly federated actually does have an avenue through which one platform can control it. just fact.

makes u think?

negative, drunk ppl 

Otherwise you're not just a risk to yourself by being so drunk you can barely stand in the streets at night with ""friends"" on a place as dangerous as it gets, you're a risk to us by getting people in here we don't even know - who you probably only met the night before, too .__.

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negative, drunk ppl 

I can have fun with online drunks, and I'll respect that people want to drink and w/e
But when you're left in charge of your younger siblings and a house after being a professional ass-kisser to earn Daddy's Trust... and also fight to keep our mom away from the house...
Hey, maybe don't fucking get fatally wasted the same night he leaves, and return the next morning, get literally random people inside the house, fight with us in your drunk as shitness and vomit everywhere...

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More genders means the consumer has more options, what you're telling me you're against the free market?

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as a random side note, while i was busy building stuff all day, i was still subjected to chels nonstop keyboard banging and occasional whimpers of terror, intermixed with various other sounds of torment as she "enjoyed" resident evil 2.

at this rate, if an actual zombie crisis occurs, ill be ready to act due to being thoroughly desensitized to the sounds of horror.

Hey if there's any other Venezuelans around

Ily all and remember that they haven't taken Mastodon nor Discord from us lmaooo.


restarting classes with a broken sleep schedule is uncool tell your friends.


@Chel that's a relatable worry, rly. I'm sorry you feel that way, but FWIW I think it's an INACCURATE FEELING, you still are pretty fun and cool to be around for sure, at least to me :3

Punch bad bad feels.


Laziness is for cishets

Get it out of this GAY BODY

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Whiteness isn't a skin color. It's an ideology. The ideology is white supremacy. If it weren't ideological we'd say "beige" and "brown" instead of "white" and "black."

Racism is white supremacy. That's why you're wrong when you try to describe experiencing hostility from Black people towards white people as "racism." #SorryNotSorry if it hurts your White Feelings™ to have to use the word "prejudice" instead of "racism" for that, but hey. #RealsBeforeFeels as they say.

Venz pol, shitpost-y 

Ah, so a chavista judge gets cold feet and leaves the country

Can the rest of you go with him too? Please? :B

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!