fuzzy boosted
After 15 years since Portal release, Valve just remembered to put to soundtrack that radio song without radio effect.

Weird to hear it clean for the first time.

UK spycops 

@kirk you're over thinking it we just hate cops


"Oh baby, im SO wet. I want you, i NEED you. If i dont get your cock ill DIE"

"Umm, source?"

yeah im pro-life. i do this shit for a living.
wait that means what?

fuzzy boosted

if i am dilating while a head of the royal family is dying, it'd be the second time this year. a'thank'ya

fuzzy boosted

umh actually, if you consult a dictionary, you'll find a 'refugee' is defined as 'someone who seeks refuge'. therefore me having had to 'seek refuge' from my wife's lawyer trying to serve divorce papers in the dog shed makes me the exact same as someone on a camp in calais

fuzzy boosted
fuzzy boosted

@wizard thought this was for a smart pregnancy test at first lmao

@root nice try, but im not falling for that one again

fuzzy boosted
fuzzy boosted

aaaaaaaaa i want to bully the grocery store anti-shoplifting robot aaaaaaa i want to top it

fuzzy boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!