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I can boost my own toots? Is this? Is this allowed!? This feels illegal

drunk and also lewd??? 

im not even horny why do i want to horny at everyone

Anyone within a 12" radius with me is automatically gay im sorry I just transmit Zone of Gay its a condition

alchohol, drunktalk 

so i am very dronk but also i love you all and am very lonely and legit plz dm me it would make me very happy like im not alone i have lots of friends and a few maybe lewds but like also im so full of love and love all of you and more friends is like 100% a good thing and so every one of you can message me if you want to just send words at a person because every one of you is cool and nice and hot and funny and kind and clever and wise and valuable and i want to be friends


just to announce that I'm entering into a polycule with the entirety of iceland

exams, vent - 

Exam season is a pretty miserable time, like, I know its only a month or so, but its such an isolating, stressful time. Your future is at risk, you're either revising or (most of the time) feeling guilty about not revising. Everyone is busy and on edge and emotional and nobody chills together because that would mean less time you could be revising (but wont be). I'm lonely, I want a cuddle :'(

politics, economics 

And this is all completely disregarding the obvious moral imperative to both save the planet and help those who are more disadvantaged just as a function of their birth

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politics, economics 

I am a pretty privileged person, all things considered, and I am pretty likely to end up relatively well off, but still anxiety over money and fear of the future controls me due to the knowledge that any number of random nonsense could occur that would financially fuck me for the rest of my life, and there is pretty much nothing I can do about it, except hope that the government happens to currently be left wing enough to help me.

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politics, economics 

Poverty is far more bad than wealth is good. When you get progressively more rich the only things you gain are more luxuries, but in poverty you are unable to get basic necessities, food, housing, healthcare (in the US), your very life is at stake from poverty.

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politics, economics 

Okay, so here is what I fundamentally don't understand about right wing economics. Even from an entirely selfish perspective, even for the vast majority of the reasonably wealthy, having a safety net of social security and free healthcare and a real benefits system is far better than having it be slightly easier to become obscenely rich.

A fucking take don't @ me 

Kinning is just new age spirituality for the internet. It's like being into crystals or homeopathy or any other dumb shit. And that's fine. New age spirituality is fine.(expect for the anti vaccine shit but that's for another time)
However, please please please stop comparing kinning to being trans or gay or whatever. Stop. Don't do it. This drives me up the wall like no other comparison does. Just don't. It's bad


Every single person is swear to god so incredible. Every single person I know for a decent amount of time I grow to love, because every single person has some truly extraordinary tiny trait, that nobody else has. Deep down inside, every person has some tiny piece of an incredible wisdom. As I grow to love more people the more I realise that everyone has that spark, everyone has that smile, everyone has their internal manic pixie dreamtrait, for some people its just more hidden than others

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!