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Too horny not to have a lewd alt - too lazy to actually make it.

I double dipped in pride by going to York and was punished by torrential downpour :'(

am now a very moist gay

social life ~ 

@fyrin Like I really do give off the impression of being super lonely and thats not necessarily inaccurate but that's not through lack of friends, I am just capable of being lonely even while o am spending every day with people

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social life ~+ 

Have been super busy recently have seen four friends around York separately over the last couple days and it's been really good but also exhausting

It turns out that when you are constantly desperate for friends and constantly go around looking for them you end up with quite a lot of them but I'm still constantly desperate for moooooore

[not mine]
Please enjoy this neural network attempting to list things. Just, things.

After the successes of Pokemon Go and more recently Pokemon Sleep, we at Nintendo are proud to announce our two newest products, Pokemon Eat Your Fucking Vegetables and Pokemon Maybe Drink Some Water Every Once In A While Huh?


Not mine, but I found this and it made me happy and I though I would share

facts dont care about your feelings. facts are arseholes. a fact came into my house the other day and filled my sink with dead spiders.

My vocabulary is 90% words I started using ironically

social anxiety vent -- 

Sometimes I just get super paranoid about everyone around me for absolutely no reason, and every single thing they do is analysed to death for any potential interpretation that could imply that they hate me but just aren't saying so for whatever reason.

I spend so much time socialising, both online and irl, and sometimes it just absolutely exhausting spending hours and hours constantly on the edge, desperate for validation, for a clear and unambiguous message of "friend"

hey let's summon a demon together... and call it a date... it'll be really romantic

✨🧚🏼‍♀️ beginning of the day vs. the end of the day 🌙 (eye contact)

everything i say i say exclusively to impress ants, because ants are hella cool and i want to be their friend

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!