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That feel when you have to memorize exactly 69 terms ayyyy lmao plzkilme

life-ramble ~+ 

So, I have one more exam left, on Thursday. I'm not looking forward to it, I hate revision, and I hate the stress that surrounds it, but it is at least almost over. And then, well, I have a month to just piss around in Durham and I have a lot of fun plans, and a lot of lewd plans, and then I go back to Cambridge for 3 months and I am gonna have a super chill time getting high, being lewd and working on a few of my projects I have mostly abandoned over the revision period, Im hype!

selfie, ec 

this Memorial Day, you should all remember the most effective troop of all time: Clark

- hunts tinkerbells throughout the house
- detects (nonexistent) home invaders
- rocks a skull-and-crossbones bandana non-problematically

i think the person who invented bread deserves to feel a little cocky

lewdish, tummy and titty 

my train of thought for this was

-oh my tummy looks good today. i'll take a pic
-hmmm pull the pants a biiiiit down
-pull shirt a biiiiit further up

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My room is in an apocalyptic state atm, the route between my computer and my door could be used to test one of those fancy navigation robots, and believe me, they would fail. I have fallen over multiple times.

hello yes I'm here to apply for the position of "very funny yes" my qualifications are that my ant joke got 15 boosts

I can't believe that incredibly large ant is still around, huh, so much for "the taller ant left"

If you're in the UK please remember to go out and vote today, its super important!

bed-selfie ec implied-nude boosts+++ 

So my curtains were open a crack which let light right in my eyes which was annoying but also gave me some fun half-lighting, enjoy my sleepy-ass face (or sleepy ass-face?)

accidentally left my gender on the radiator and it melted 😢

dil do? 

Everything is a dildo joke if you're brave enough

every shape is a triangle if you think about it wrong


I need to go buy something to eat and I cant decide so I'm crowd-sourcing suggestions

For @brogepi's birthday I am reposting a gif of my cat that I think was on my knzk

selfie ec boosts+++ 

Okay so my hair was doing a thing again, this time apparently my face was also doing a thing? I realise that only posting selfies specifically when I am looking weird is maybe not the best idea but also look at my weird hair it do a floop

vidya games, reference to existentialism 

And the award for "Wow just the title of your game gave me like a minor existential crisis, but also it's way too long so it kind of feels like cheating" goes to:

"Sometimes to Deal with the Difficulty of Being Alive, I Need to Believe There Is a Possibility That Life Is Not Real"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!