@disroot I've recently getting a lot of issues with emails, with them either not arriving at all, or days after I expected them (sometimes with expired sign-up links etc). Any idea why that's the case, or how to fix it?
Workaround is to send the email multiple times, but even that is not always possible/working.
@disroot Gotcha! Nope, it's mostly either small domains, or german services, which I guess don't send too many emails to disroot.
@disroot I will do that. For now, it's time to email the german telekom and tell them that I want my confirmation email resent 😂
@disroot I'm expecting an alpha key for coder.com later tonight coming from mg.coder-internal.com, and their team just confirmed me that the SMTP server would not resend bounced emails. Could you whitelist that domain for postgrey please?
@disroot whoops they changed the sender server to mailgun.coder.com last-minute.
@gerd yes that could be. In any case, if you notice some domains constantly being delayed (sometimes those small domains use big thirdparty services) please let us know, so we can whitelist.