Gerd boosted
Gerd boosted

🔥 Nextcloud bookmarks app disabled 🔥

Due to a bug causing server crash in connection to bookmark app usage, we have disabled it temporarily. We do have an idea on what might be going on and will investigate the issue asap.

Gerd boosted it also shows as expired for me. well it expired today so I guess somebody forgot to renew it.

@luna i'm not sure but i think Systemd is being developed at the Linux Foundation? idk... someone big signed off on it

@luna doesn't Linus Torvalds sign off on every major change?

@luna that seems like it would have been done already

@SamanthaCayne i always see the forkbomb as a bunch of faces 👀

Opinion on filter bubbles 

Really, if you people know what I could do to burst my filter bubble without getting depressed about how bad/stupid some people are online; and how these people ruin the fun for everybody... Please tell me.

An option for me would also be to just get off social media for some time (I do it unintentionally all the time anyways), but that probably wouldn't affect my mindset that much. [3]

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Opinion on filter bubbles 

but I think it's also quite dangerous. I feel like it's less likely to be radicalized within this LGBTQ+ "echo chamber", but then... I really have no way of judging how extreme my opinions are from inside here, where a lot of people share these opinions.
I feel like I should expose myself to other opinions as well, but I don't know where to start, especially since I now think differently of certain groups online and IRL...
Honestly I have no idea what to do. As usual.[2]

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!