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i should probably stop procrastinating bye

Just realized I never did a proper introduction here, so here we go:
My name is Gerd, I'm a student who currently lives in China. I do the IB, with finals in May 2019. My hobbies are rock climbing and coding. And of course, procrastinating. I'm :gay: and if you don't like that, please unfollow and block me. My cute boyfriend is @soren.

Just on case anyone wants to know, my maths score for p1 on the mocks was 24%

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Well this is better than what I got on the mocks, let's try the matching paper 2.

plan for this evening: reinstalling linux. *sigh* cause I'm to stupid to understand when something doesn't work.

excessive use of the f word 

fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck i just corrupted my linux partition fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck

linux not working properly 

okay so kernel 5.0 still has the weird thing where my syslog is spammed with errors about nvme? Idk what the problem is exactly, and everything works fine until drive is remounted as r/o because of errors.

hmm seems like i forgot about social media again. Oh well, seems like I'm crap at social media.

it's been 3 days since the last post.
once again.

hello fediverse
btw i use arch now

installing it on a macbook is... uh... fun?

Gerd boosted
Gerd boosted

There's another charity marathon stream for a trans/gender diverse kids charity to spite another transphobic ballbag this weekend! (This time in Australia!)

They will be playing classic Tony Hawk games (fucking yess). It starts Friday 9pm AEST! (6am US Eastern, 11:00 UTC, 12:00 CET)


Where the stream will be:

I just spent like an hour looking at mechanical keyboards on reddit. Uhm... Yeah.

i'm in french class right now and I should probably be working on my overdue assignment that is worth 20% of my final french grade.

but instead i'm looking at r/mechanicalkeyboards

reboot2recovery done, perms restored to 755, but yeah

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oh wow i just managed to 744 /usr and a) not think about how bad of an idea that is and b) not notice that 744 does not include exec for g/a

horrible econ pun 

ok i got econ class now

we are learning about exchange rates, and I really *appreciate* that.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!