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unfortunately i dislike a great many people. hate them, even.

ill have to actually upload a header one of these days

im on twitter too just because my friends are still over there. we have a small circle of contained private accounts lmao

not sure how else to go about this but i would like to make cool new kin friends who take their otherkinity seriously since the kin community on tumblr and twitter has been a veritable dumpster fire of for years and i feel like the userbase on here skews older & more internet wisened lol

acid jazz levels are 49% and falling

(49%) ■■■■□□□□□□

Sick of being judged for my terrible actions and insane beliefs


Putting several smaller asses inside one larger ass


mental health 

me in the staff restroom stress chipping my nail polish off as i try not to think about how i will probably never be truly understood: i need to go to therapy before i explode

“you could use this cream soda as sauce” “cashews are the meat of the nut world” what???? what??? come again??????

jerma is very weird but he is weird in some strange, new, indescribable way

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!