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if you're ever going through tough times, remember, Pitbull's been there done that. every day above ground is a great day, remember that

thank god i didnt join a huge general socializing instance

This is your year non-trans folks. This is the year

to be the one to call out grandma for misgendering your non-binary cousin,

to call out how fucked up your uncles transphobic jokes are, or

to tell your mom that her excuses for deadnaming someone aren’t good enough.

It’s time to make this your problem. How are you going to stand up for trans people this holiday?

i might decide to look into it sometime but it’s just not that interesting to me. im a social sciences sort of person

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a lot of the things that people talk about on this site sound like a foreign language to me because ive never been all that interested in coding or compsci or anything of the sort. i used to be decent with html but thats about the extent of it

P5 Spoilers 

@Starbirb truly there needs to be some sort of warning attached to the game lmao. ive tried to get some of my friends to play it but once they learn how long it is they usually decide otherwise

@Starbirb did you play the original or Royal? because the latter has even More content, lol

idk wtf most of you are talking about most of the time tbh but thats fine

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!