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remember that time like three years ago the detective finn bot posted about a fake drug called "avocado goblin" and i made a post that said "quick somebody who's not so attached to their display name change it to that" and here we are three years later and @a_breakin_glass still has the name!!!


real talk, i don't care about the memes, SMASH MOUTH IS CANCELLED


neurochem rant, medications, marijuana 

I've probably used an amount of a medication that I should not have used. fortunately it is a medication that has no LD50 at all and only makes me spew nonsense on the internet.

but less miserably so.

shouldn't I just take that win and run with it a bit more? obviously MY judgment is always, always too sparing when it comes to allowing myself to think of resources as beneficial to myself.

but they are and I have them.

lucky me. should use 'em, I guess. ❤️

if you're editing something that confuses possessives and contractives, you're heading into an apostrophic engagement

more battery and power information.

maybe flight eventually

would be nice

we'll see how things go

Tired: to jump the shark
Wired: to craunch the marmoset


"That realtime chat SaaS has really craunched the marmoset lately."

"Swarp:tm:, once an innovative leader in the field of tech startup profile enhancement, has finally resorted to investing in the craunched marmoset futures market in order to shore up its ailing portfolio."

damn the fediverse is like my favorite flavor of shitposting

uspol (workshopping imagery and slogans) 

Thinking about a variant of "DEFUND POLICE" that speaks more directly to the idea of "stop giving all our money to cops and invest it in helping poor people instead".

Suggestions for improving these images, as well as other visual metaphors for budget allocation, are welcome.

I don't know

I don't even know if I'll ever know


no reason to pursue that line of thought

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!