I took some time off from speaking this past year but hoping to jump back into things in 2023 🙌
Wondering if there are any #accessibility topics that should be covered but aren't? 🤔
@cariefisher If I may chime in! I personally love hearing #A11y stories where people win in the end. As in, I can spend all day convincing people that A11y is important via numbers but it's another to see in practice users, devs, teams etc benefitting from the inclusion.
@cariefisher I feel that. One talk I gave a while back essentially discussed how an inaccessible feature was on the roadmap and we couldn't even automation test it. I asked for time to make it more accessible which meant we could write an automation test for it, and it had keyboard support then for power users as well. So my pitch was lots of the team was more happy with the end result by putting #A11y first.
Anywho! Still hard to find examples but maybe inspires thoughts