@fediplayspokemon What should we name him?
@phi1997 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon We did so well with the rival, we have a large legacy to live up to
@phi1997 @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
I'd name this Sentret "NEIN". It's a reminder not to use him. At best, he can be our Cut/Surf user until we catch a Krabby.
That said, I'm not sold on that name
@deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
@phi1997 @hitstun @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon I will be attempting and failing to name it Tom
@tom @phi1997 @hitstun @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
Why not, I really don't have any idea for his name, despite love his evolution. ^^'
@Mikie1600 @tom @phi1997 @hitstun @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
i think it's really important to make the name good because i also think we should jettison cyndaquil and only use this fluffy new friend
@Cahatstrophe @tom @phi1997 @hitstun @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
I love your chaotic takes! X)
Otherwise, we can just try letters and see what it does, like JA?. X)
@Cahatstrophe @tom @phi1997 @hitstun @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
Your use of the word "fluffy" gave me the desire to name it "Fluff" for the moment.
@Mikie1600 @phi1997 @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
I think @tom 's name is worth more than this crappy early game Sentret, but I won't stop you from naming him Tom.
Early game? We're taking this Sentret to the Pokémon League
@Mikie1600 @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon @tom
@phi1997 @hitstun @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon @tom
Héhéhé, why not. X)
I feel like level up will be more easy that catching pokémon. ^^'
@hitstun @Mikie1600 @phi1997 @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon @tom
we could always name every pokemon Tom
@Cahatstrophe @hitstun @Mikie1600 @phi1997 @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon that might be too many Toms
@tom @Cahatstrophe @hitstun @phi1997 @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
Yes... I prefer unique names.
And then, whenever we have him use surf or cut, we all thank you for it
@hitstun @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
@tom @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
When we replace this Sentret with a Krabby, name the Krabby "TOMTWO". It'll know Cut, Surf, and Strength!
But why would we replace this floof?
@tom @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
@phi1997 @hitstun @tom @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon I just read that Furret, its evolution, can learn Strenght too.
So no need to find a Krabby I don't know where.
But if you really want a Krabby, why not...
Krabby won't be very useful. It shows up rarely with an old rod, so it'll take us forever to catch, and we'd still need another water-type anyway for Waterfall. Even if we bother to raise up a second battler, Krabby has a shallow moveset and its low special attack means it can't effectively use the water-type moves it learns.
Also, our Cyndaquil will be able to learn Strength after evolving, and Strength is good enough in battle.
@hitstun @tom @deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon
I'm not sure we need a Krabby, but yes, Sentret using Cut and Surf was the point
@deoxys314 @fediplayspokemon @pokemon