Starting with the next poll, let's all vote Start so we can get out of this menu as quickly as possible
@Mikie1600 @phi1997 @fediplayspokemon
I was OK with naming the Sentret "F" and pressing Start, or just letting "FLOOF" happen. Now I'm just voting B to backspace out all this stuff.
@Cahatstrophe @hitstun @phi1997 @fediplayspokemon
And three letters is not very much.
@Mikie1600 @hitstun @phi1997 @fediplayspokemon it's possible that they're just Canadian and they're stopping at PEI!!
@Cahatstrophe @Mikie1600 @phi1997 @fediplayspokemon According to this reply, the Portugese-speaking players want to name the Sentret "Peido" or "Fart". I'm OK with this, so I'm helping them now. Please don't be mean to other players unless we know they're acting maliciously.
@hitstun @Cahatstrophe @phi1997 @fediplayspokemon
Yeah, yeah... Thank you for telling us what means "Peido" at least.
But where portugese-players speak? I never seen a comment under the polls in portugese before.
We already have a rival named Butt. If this goes through, we're stopping by the Name Rater in Goldenrod.
@Cahatstrophe @Mikie1600 @fediplayspokemon
@hitstun @Mikie1600 @phi1997 @fediplayspokemon we could hear em out, i kinda wanna see where they're going