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i wish opening drive on my browser didnt automatically go to my rp folder please stop exposing me like this

i had a dream that [redacted] tried to contact me again & was now kotogil shipper and multiple and had transformer kins and its really shaken me up.

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ok i : make coffee, it wakes me up, i do these applications & then i can retreat into the part of my brain thats consumed by kotogil

I’ll leave it a bit later to fully decide on but maybe I’ll just take it for some kind of security for now

The job hunt 

It would barely scratch the surface of my rent Depending on the “1-2 days” but it is better than nothing ig

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The job hunt 

-__- one of the places I thought was sure fire says they won’t take me full time but they want me to do 1-2 days a week....why look for two part timers when you could have one full time?!

tonights meal for jeff is
and a bread with peanut butter (the bread is merely a vehicle for protein)

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i make dinner. i put chilli in the sauce. my stomach becomes bad. i cannot eat the dinner.

For human: grossly underqualified
For canine: grossly overqualified

@isystem oh i dont have one anymore i used to for dwrp but then i deleted it once i left.....maybe ill go back cus there are people there i also want to stay in touch with :blobthinking:

i become a detective trying to hunt down fate media. why is chibichuki only translated on pinterest

the RUSH of joining a new game/picking up a new muse and then changing your layout to fit. nothing like it. my mgs/solid snake one really fucked imo

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i really loved plurk for full profile customization i have so many icons on my laptop for layouts there

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!