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just read the initials "fwiw" and immediately concluded it stood for "fwom what i wemember"

Forum topic: help i'm having this specific technical issue - Solved!

Solution: OMG i'm having that same problem, i hope somebody answers! (12 thumbs up)

getting back into notating/performing original pieces for piano and i've accidentally spent three hours trying to figure out how to play this one dang polyrhythm!

stealing a shovel like ,im about to end this mans hole career,

🎡 just a material girl
livin' in a material wooorld 🎡


idk i've been really enjoying playing with chill stuff, i guess it's ironic in the same way as people whose pets look nothing like them, 8

Want to hear a chimney joke? Got stacks of em! First one's on the house i looove this, i read this aloud to my friend and gir first reaction was "damn"


@minty_da oooooo prolly a nerdy comment but i really love how the syncopation keeps all the fun squigglies feeling grounded in this one!


novembeat 4 novembeat 4 novmebeat 4 i used my pocket operator this time :D same, it's hard for me to reach out to friends lately but trusting they care about me helps me feel okay with that

demigoddess, n.:
1. a demideity who is a girl
2. a deity who is a demigirl

βšͺ️ a man
βšͺ️ a woman
πŸ”˜ '; drop table gender; --

and I'm looking for:

i love my fwiends! it's hard to reach out to them to let them know what's up with me lately but them even just being there means the world to me :bunhdheart:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!