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The Ethical Slut 

β€œGood communication begins with everybody talking about their feelings, long before they get to discussing the pros and cons of any solutions. Good communication is based on identifying our feelings, expressing them, and getting validation that our partner hears and understands what we are saying, whether or not they agree. Emotions are not opinions, they are factsβ€”truths about what people are experiencing.”

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say it ain't so
i will not go
turn the lights off
i'm tryna sleep here!

say it ain't so, i will not go, turn the lights off, ho ho ho

i've felt incredibly at peace ever since i got rid of most of my social media apps from my phone tbh

Library socialism 

" Library Socialism is connected to several strains in radical thought, like usufruct -- the idea that property could be held in common, but that individuals could assume control over them as needed and enjoy both their use and the use of the fruits of the property, but on condition that they not destroy the property and that they return it when they're done with it.

Also connected is "the irreducible minimum": the commitment by a society to ensure that every person who lives in it must have the basics for happy, fulfilled life, regardless of their status.

Finally, there is "complementarity," the idea that the world can be improved by combining the things we find in it -- just as different metals can make alloys that are stronger than the sum of their parts, the right combinations of our selves and our work can be more than any one of us can accomplish on our own."

#library #socialism #doctorow

two trucks 

once told me the world was gonna roll me / i ain't the sharpest tool in the shed / she w-

some eye contact in gif 

i will only date cis men if this is our relationship

cursed idea: 

libertarian-owned hedge-selling business called Atlas Shrubs

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!