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i genuinely feel about being trans the same way folks gush about being gay i love this i love me and I'm proud of me

All I wanna do is
And *cash register noises*

And boost your kitt-ay :patcat:


Im gay
Im trans
My pronouns are ey/em and she/her
I will talk about how gay I am because I love being gay
I wont shut the fuck up
I will always love my friends
I will always respect their identities
I will get pissy with you if you dont
You arent fucking changing me.

i wonder what's going on at earth rn.

*meanwhile on earth...*

if i'm going to be remembered for one thing, then i want it to be uh, um, what was it again....?

reasons i like mastodon over twitter 

the option to include text descriptions for media isn't hidden away !!!!! and accessing the descriptions is also available to folks who don't have their device set up with accessibility settings !!!!!!!!!!!! this is so useful and good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do sea creatures use for public transport?

The nautibus.

the joke is horses are gods but really they're the good kind so they can stay

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i have not watched ***any*** of the new season of mha, this must be rectified immediately(ish)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!