Big brain: making music with modern software
My brain: making music with 90s style software emulating an 80s computer on a modern computer because pointer tables make me happy

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Goattracker is a lot to learn, but honestly it satisfies my exact neuroses when it comes to making music on a computer.

I'm not like other retro computer enthusiasts. I don't know what a "video game" is.

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I had some frustrating stuff happen this morning but I'm also super excited now!

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When creators you admire end up working with you :blobaww:

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me: "god I love computers"
*spends like, 5 minutes actually trying to fix any problems on a computer*
me: "oh right no I don't I fucking hate them. why do I keep forgetting this?"

I dont plan to go back to Windows XP but fuck if I don't miss it regularly


People who call rice seasoned with soy sauce "plain rice" what do you consider non plain rice???

my girlfriend: *exists, as she tends to do*
me: holy fuck oh my god i'm in love fuck shit


Rice and peanuts are such a blessing tbh

I'm shifting my eating schedule and having easy to eat filler foods is so helpful for that.

food, religious diets 

I used to think halal was close to kosher standards but not exactly the same and then a muslim friend of mine is like "Oh no there's a lot of meat that's halal and not kosher but kosher food is generally considered halal as long as it doesn't violate specific dietary rules."

It came up because I thought shrimp was haram but it isn't... :0

However, of course halal and kosher dietary rules do share the no pork rule.

Animation tip: Sometimes less is better! Extra frames where they aren't needed can add an unpleasant uncanny valley effect.
I see this quite a bit with hobbyist animators and blink frames, where the eyelids move more fluidly than anyone can blink.

I could do work OR I could sit around all day and play with old computer software
Tough choice...

I hate oil and automobile companies so much it's unreal.

When an artist you admire follows you...

I mean, they followed my gamedev account but listen I'm taking what I've gotten.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!