those legs? they go all the way up, and up, and even further up, and they go up to more legs

🚨PSA 🚨
If you live in New York State and you see stores price gouging please call the 2-1-1 number (during business hours) and snitch on them ! We are in a state of emergency and prices need to remain reasonable.

My roommate pointed out to me I might have already had COVID-19 before the government was admitting it was already here, because when I had what was diagnosed as bronchitis in January and missed a week of work, I had a high fever, a horrific cough, and fatigue, so there's at least a chance I already went through it

Anarchism's strength is partly it's a ability to quickly reconfigure. All organizations are temporary. When they get toxic, they're discarded. This is also a weakness. A lack of institutional memory. Repetition of the same mistakes. A gradual jettisoning of people.

:antifa: Today: Solidarity with migrants and antifa in Greece. :ancomheart:

Meet 6pm outside the Holland Park tube station. The demo will march to the Greek embassy. Bring a a mask, or one will be provided. :black_bloc_blob:

If your work is not helping the world, sabotage. Smash the gears that grind us.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!