@sabogato I can understand that, a general strike is a big task not to be taken lightly, although of course, as a syndie, I’m still totally for them and even for this one, when the conditions are better (they’ll never be perfect that’s just Murphy’s law)

those legs? they go all the way up, and up, and even further up, and they go up to more legs

@sabogato we need to get some unions behind this though because without that, a call for a general strike doesn’t do too much. Bet the IWW would be down

🚨PSA 🚨
If you live in New York State and you see stores price gouging please call the 2-1-1 number (during business hours) and snitch on them ! We are in a state of emergency and prices need to remain reasonable.

My roommate pointed out to me I might have already had COVID-19 before the government was admitting it was already here, because when I had what was diagnosed as bronchitis in January and missed a week of work, I had a high fever, a horrific cough, and fatigue, so there's at least a chance I already went through it

Anarchism's strength is partly it's a ability to quickly reconfigure. All organizations are temporary. When they get toxic, they're discarded. This is also a weakness. A lack of institutional memory. Repetition of the same mistakes. A gradual jettisoning of people.

:antifa: Today: Solidarity with migrants and antifa in Greece. :ancomheart:

Meet 6pm outside the Holland Park tube station. The demo will march to the Greek embassy. Bring a a mask, or one will be provided. :black_bloc_blob:


If your work is not helping the world, sabotage. Smash the gears that grind us.

No but seriously, if things keep up, we'll be over the event horizon in 2030. We have to fuck shit up.

Friday strike for climate
Monday strike for equality
Tuesday strike for liberation
Wednesday strike against imperialism
Thursday strike for solidarity

Covid-19, Fuck Capitalism 

"Forced to Work Sick? That’s Fine With Disney, Red Lobster, and Their Friends at ALEC

The United States is one of the only industrialized nations that doesn’t mandate paid sick leave. These guys want to keep it that way."


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