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re: screaming "Let's build our activism organisation around our polycule, I'm sure there will be no issues in doing this."


love to be a trans woman in a society where
- all the cishet orgs discriminate against queers
- all the general LGBT orgs discriminate against trans people
- all the general trans orgs discriminate against trans women, and
- all the trans woman orgs are actually sex cults

re: purescript question 

@AgathaSorceress ah yeah, try changing the class constraint from Show to MyShow?

re: purescript question 

@AgathaSorceress what's the type of the function you're calling it from?

re: purescript question 

@AgathaSorceress oh, yeah, if it doesn't know statically that the type is a string then it will call the more generic version

re: purescript question 

@AgathaSorceress ...I was sure there was such a thing but apparently not

you could probably write such a thing yourself using instance chains

class MyShow a where
myShow :: a -> String

instance stringShow :: MyShow String where
myShow = identity
else instance otherShow :: Show a => MyShow a
myShow = show

@cyrridven "actually, Haskell is the name of the language conforming to the Haskell 98 Report. the name of the language compiled by GHC is 'Haskell's Monster'"

having to take a break from watching it so i can have a laughing fit

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watching a video about The Flavortown Saga and the idea that this ARG equated Guy Fieri (food personality) and Guy Debord (Situationist theorist) has absolutely BROKEN me

@cyrridven yeah you're gonna wanna recurse all the way down to the base case

Jenny H boosted

Genius-level spice storage at gf's new flat: metal plate stuck under shelf with 'power strips'; small, shoulderless jars; small, powerful magnets under each lid.


woop, that's me chemically castrated for another 3 months

mental, neg 

triggered to fuck so I'm listening to an italian rock band


my kingdom for some healthy fucking norms in this community

why have a polycule when you can have a pollicle, a cavity on the scalp that extrudes hair

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!