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There is a rainbow flag up in the CS dept today. If they take it down any quicker than they took down the xmas decorations (which stayed up until like March) I will consider it a homophobic hate crime.

on the one hand I am curious about where this "two wolves" stuff came from but on the other hand maybe it's funnier if I don't know

sadposting and angstposting 

today I am relationship angst and politics angst

anyone got a line on a gf I can throw bricks with

mental health 

Seasonal mood is a fuck. I feel like there is a sweet spot between "too dark to be happy" and "too bright to be calm" that lasts for about three days a year.


Managed to trigger my depression with a song idea just as I got to work, nice going

negative, mental 

‪made a disastrous attempt to paint my nails and now I have femme impostor syndrome and what I think could be an acetone high but might just be an ongoing panic attack‬

Trans punk railroad

(I have probably made this post before)

Jenny H boosted
Jenny H boosted



"What is more astonishing is the fact that parents will strip themselves of everything, will sacrifice everything for the physical well-being of their child, will wake nights and stand in fear and agony before some physical ailment of their beloved one; but will remain cold and indifferent, without the slightest understanding before the soul cravings and the yearnings of their child, neither hearing nor wishing to hear the loud knocking of the young spirit that demands recognition. On the contrary, they will stifle the beautiful voice of spring, of a new life of beauty and splendor of love; they will put the long lean finger of authority upon the tender throat and not allow vent to the silvery song of the individual growth, of the beauty of character, of the strength of love and human relation, which alone make life worth living. "

Emma Goldman - The Child and its Enemies

‪clarification: "no hair" can also count as good hair if you wear it confidently enough‬

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I'm so fuckin gay for trans girls with good hair

I just came up with an epic Bad Conlang Idea: a language based on gender dysphoria

‪did you hear about the particle physicist who went to Warsaw in search of a charismatic carrier of glandular fever?‬ 

‪he was looking for a magnetic mono-pole‬


My latte is pink and tastes like Turkish delight what is this beauteous wizardry

There is a laptop here with an Undertale sticker so I'm bracing myself for a cool queer to return to it

I released a single today:

it is about dissociation and trans sex feelings, so listen with caution

mental health, negative 

‪yaay so the MH service that turned me away has signposted me to a service that isn't currently accepting referrals‬

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!