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not to be overly gothic but 

spring, the season of rebirth that knocks upon our door, reminds me only of all in my world that has died.

(i think i might be traumatised. i mean, more than usual.)

screw endocrinology i wanna be an exocrinologist

just spent some time reading youtube comments (i know, i know) and I have to ask... is being a Chumbawamba fan who actually likes "Tubthumping" some sort of accidental galaxybrain position of mine?


attempted to make tortilla chips. succeeded in making something that's tasty but probably not reasonable to classify as a tortilla chip

re: confession 

i think it's a good idea and other people also think it's a good idea but it all lives and dies on whether people are interested in donating or getting the help we offer and i feel like everyone's too busy just surviving to take the steps necessary to make living possible

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i'm terrified that this project is gonna fall on its arse and i will feel stupid for even trying

ah, waking up in the morning to check whether the interaction lodged in my memory actually happened or if it was a dream

love to be human

tenant: nooo you can't just install the cheapest appliances and then do nothing to stop them from vibrating out of their places whenever they're used
landlord: haha washing machine go brrrrrrr

re: food 

I was wondering what the swedes called swedes (the vegetable) but I looked it up and apparently it's "cabbage root" which, um, no

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so one of the problems of watching a lot of youtube videos on historical linguistics is I see the thumbnail of a video about the celts with some runic writing on it and I'm like "is this fash it looks kinda fash"

like afaik the celts didn't use runes?

Jenny H boosted

"Those were your great great grandfxther's pronouns, use them with care," I say as I dust off an old box labeled þey/þem

food, chant, foodball chant??? 

maggi maggi maggi
om nom nom

Jenny H boosted

mh, neg 

feeling discarded and inconvenient

Jenny H boosted

imagine trying to convince people that a klein bottle is a “four-dimensional shape” and not just a cone that had a rib removed so it could suck it’s own dick

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!