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You fools! Do you not realise? That which does not kill me will only make me more transgender!

Animating trans girls who pick cliché names with the Zoe trope

selfie, eye contact 

doing the makeup thing for the first time in ages

Goddamned voices, making me transpose tunes into F sharp major

mood: want someone cute to sing chumbawamba at me


given the state of this world I would like to scream for absolutely ever tbh

Have decided book 2 will be called "Truancy and Trickery"


‪as an anarchist with a foot fetish I dislike what has happened to the word "bootlicker"‬

I, for one, love my giant goose grandparents

Wait is this why they call her mother goose

Kink, mental 

Guh I just got reminded of how fucked my head is right now wrt kink :(


Missing, presumed bread

(Until proven otherwise)

Wrote 3.5 pages of story today. Less than I'd like, but I'm recovering from a bout of depression so I guess I should give myself allowances

Currently sat in a coffee chain listening to a singer-songwriter-style song that appears to be about being a centrist?

depressive shitpost 

at what stage of depression does ashton kutcher inform you that your whole life up to this point has been an elaborate punk

If I add up all the phone numbers I get from pretty ladies to ensure it comes to a given total, is that a... "chick sum"?


woo played video games to the point of dissociation :S

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!