Existential adjacent, attempted humor 

You know what I think?

Therefore I am.

@elfi@social.pixie.town Ah yes, the best era of Harvest Moon

Happy three years of me continuing to use this forgotten app past its date.

@elfi@social.pixie.town Insult Swordfighting too stronk

@elfi@social.pixie.town Dana isn’t significantly different from other Ys beyond it was full 3D, semi open world (It wasn’t one giant map because of Vita restrictions) and the economy is based on gathering items since money is useless on a deserted island.

@elfi@social.pixie.town Depends on how much you wanna know about VIII endgame spoilers.

@elfi@social.pixie.town Not sure if you’re wholly aware but this is truer than you realize.

@elfi@social.pixie.town Sadly I am a creature of sin and I would use a ticker tape machine to print out the script of Bee Movie

@Nine “What is a man?!”
*smashes wine glass and leaps towards Richter*
“What is...”
*pulls Richter in close*
“... love? Baby, don’t hurt me. Don’t hurt me. No mooooore.”

Another food related pooptoot. Also random brain musings 

@Nine i caught the monhun part while it was uploading and decided to commit to the schtick regardless.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!