Show newer I’ve been playing Trials of Mana remake and I had the strangest freakin’ whiplash when a basement in a random house reminded me of Klaus’ Found my new daily affirmation shirt

@Nine gamecube because of that little boop at the end

@Nine *looks at La-Mulana 2, still unfinished*
"Last played, Sep 2, 2018"
Me: I'll get around to it someday.

@Nine *looks at RE2make installed and ready to play*

Maybe someday.

re: Food adjacent, in that this is a picture of the packaging of some poultry food, sexuality mention, pooptooting 

@Nine Thank goodness it wasn't made from TERFs

re: Food adjacent, in that this is a picture of the packaging of some poultry food, sexuality mention, pooptooting 

@Nine Soylent Green is straight people A blanket in the form of a moth wing but you can also roll it up and use it as a cocoon/sleeping bag

@elfi Hypo/Jocey sends her congratulations on your GRS.

@Nine A hip hop group of green onions called the Rap Scallions New lands, new lamps

@Nine Fair fair. I too kinda dropped the endless games, not because I wasn't having fun but because I've got too many titles piling up and I should probably get through them at some point.

*side eyes that Yakuza series*

@Nine New No Man's Sky update has dropped; it's called Prisms.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!