@buttplugio For android 12 and up, bluetooth_scan (and bluetooth_connect), for below you need access_fine_location, and bluetooth_admin... i think, have been spending some time with that the last few days - it's in Crumpet's manifest if you want a look (think you're in the chat?)
@leinir @buttplugio The base permissions are fine, comms work with screen on *or* off. This is *just* the case of:
- Start scan with screen on
- Turn screen off
- Have scan keep going
Right now the scan stops until the screen is turned on again.
@qdot @buttplugio but yeah, maybe it just outright doesn't let you scan in the background like that... would seem a little odd, but maybe it's a "because user safety" type decision, like to stop people... wardriving bluetooth devices or something?