Fess-hole moment: I dislike working on documents collaboratively because I spend more of my time trying to unfuck my colleagues' various MS Word crimes than I actually spend on technical input.

@tryst Ugh, I know that feeling so much. That being said, Office has an uncanny ability of screwing up documents even without the meddling of colleagues

@sosh It's fine if you start with a clean, high-quality template, but that seems to be rare these days. I keep having to deal with documents that have been re-used a dozen times and have had all of their styles corrupted, which then makes them really unpredictable and wappy. Never happens with a fresh template.

@sosh Once you understand how *.*x files work under the covers, a lot of the weird behaviour starts to make more sense.

@tryst @sosh you mean XML that's been built on top of, then plastered with multiple different obfuscations methods to stop other software from reading them. Each year a new coat of plaster making it more and more bloated until touching one socket moves an entire wall 6ft to the left?
Or is that just the old doc format?


@Jencen @tryst @sosh I think the best/worst part of it is, it is literally both of those... the spec for it is just bonkers. (Berst? Wost?)

@leinir @Jencen @tryst I still love how even 16 years after publishing the specification for the openxml formats, the official Microsoft implementation still doesn't actually adhere to their own spec in certain places.

@sosh @leinir @Jencen "Hello? Yes. I'd like some money to increase compatibility with our competitors' products. Hello? Hello?!"

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