Just saw another mention of Undertale, which I know is (was) incredibly popular, and I don't know what's wrong with me but I just couldn't finish it. I got to a point where there was an even more difficult "fight" thing going on (with some puppet, I think? It's been ages and I don't remember any more) and just couldn't get through it, and I just don't have the motivation to keep bashing my head against those stupid little minigame things to be allowed to go on with the story. There was a huge amount of wandering around dozens and dozens of dark screens trying to find the way through to the next bit, too, and it was adding nothing to the story and just getting so boring I couldn't go on. I'd like to know the story, but I can't stand playing it any further. (And of course if I went back to it now I'd have to either spend hours replaying stuff I've already done, or jump back in at my latest save and have no clue what's going on or even what the controls are.) I'm not sure why I'm writing this, I just need to get it off my chest at last, maybe. (👍 to those who do like it, of course.)

@pippin What you're describing is pretty much exactly the point at which I tend to decide to look up a play though of a game on YouTube. You've tried but it isn't being fun and you want to just know how the story goes. Gaming is supposed to be fun.

I love Undertale myself but have only experienced it by watching others play it, don't think I'd do well with the combat myself!

@Doran_Eirok Yeah, that's not a bad idea, sitting down for an evening and having a let's play of it on while I do something else that doesn't take too much brainpower. *nod*

@pippin @Doran_Eirok yeah- there's a number of things I support, because they are things I would like to see exist, more than them being things I would enjoy experiencing for myself :)

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