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leinir boosted

I’m curious how much this has changed since the last poll I seen for this, please boost!

What’s your age range?

@Deezburry Merry Deezmas! 'Ti's a most fortuitous day, for which we all are greatly appreciative :)

leinir boosted

I'm suing to force the UK to allow nonbinary people to be legally recognized as such, starting with me. The trial is in 25 days.

I need £97,334 to cover estimated costs — anything I don't raise I will have to pay out of pocket.

Donations from outside the UK are welcome!

leinir boosted

If you’re British, you might want to sign this.

If you’re not, please boost.

The current Prime Minister was not voted in, and he’s making a lot of decisions that will harm most of the UK; everyone will be affected. Time to call a general election and let the public decide for better or worse (harder to imagine the latter tbh)

@Plus_Ultra heh, greasy... yeah, not the most level headed person in the 'verse, there ;) glfor me, I'm thinking not this year (maybe evocati at the very end of the year), and in live sometime during the first half of the year, possibly for alien week

Did you know that has quite a lot of lore? For example, a drinks company called Fieldsbury did a campaign with their bear mascot for Day of the Vara (the in universe Halloween style celebration), and it caught on, and now a replica company makes helmets in that's style. And you can pick them up in game, and they look like this :) (oh, and there's a really good deal on the Cutter starter pack, see my link here - no free fly, though!)

leinir boosted

Resonite launches in 20 minutes.

Please enjoy the track I composed and produced for their home world.

And please go play it.

leinir boosted

Chrome: We're automatically opting you in to a new feature that sends your home address to advertisers but puts little asterisks over parts of it, and we're calling it Ultimate Privacy Protection

Firefox: We're encrypting every step of the DNS and HTTP connection process so nobody on the planet can know what you're doing online, because fuck anyone who would want to know

These two are not the same and should not be regarded as equals

leinir boosted
leinir boosted

I'm extremely sad and angry at the felling at #SycamoreGap, and will probably do another thread on that, but would just like to take a moment to appreciate Simon Heywood's poem and how it ties into the #folk tradition of rage and protest

leinir boosted

Looking for your next sci-fi series? For #furrybookmonth, the Reborn series is available for US$2.99/AU$3.99 each. Check them out now!

leinir boosted

If you help to run a convention, either as staff or as a volunteer I need your help! I have been given the rare opportunity to present at LoNAP's 25th anniversary, and my chosen topic is "What it takes to run a convention". If you have any interesting insights or anecdotes, please let me know! I have just under a month to prepare.

leinir boosted
leinir boosted
leinir boosted

Want to support a decentralized and FOSS social VR platform? Help me make barkvr a reality, let's make what these platforms should have been from the start.

Support us here please:

@Deezburry OK the ending there kind of me my brain melt a bit

@scopique @Plus_Ultra I realise it's the wrong universe, but this /is/ the way ;)

leinir boosted

PSA: Google has now begun to roll-out the Ad Topics "feature" onto Android itself. It's not just in Chrome you have to disable the settings. Please #Boost to spread awareness.

If you didn't get the pop-up screen on your Android device (it'll look like the first two screenshots), to opt-out of these settings:

  1. Go to your device Settings
  2. Press on "Google"
  3. Press on "Ads"
    • While you're here, press on the "Delete Advertising ID" button and delete it
  4. Press on "Ad Privacy"
  5. Review: "Ad Topics", "App-suggested ads", and "App Measurement". Make sure they are all labelled as "OFF". (This page will look like the third screenshot.)

If you don't see "Ad Privacy" in Step 4 then it means that it hasn't been rolled out to you yet. You might need to wait and check back in a couple of days to see if/when it has been implemented to disable these settings.

#Android #Google #Privacy #AdTopics

leinir boosted

@Plus_Ultra yes, really look forward to that being a thing - doubtless not before the control surfaces stuff arrives, but really looknling forward to that :)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!