@arakin ehrmagerd
New music! Been working on this one since the beginning of the year!
Welcome to the World of Computing
Today KDE has made its biggest release ever, never before in the 25 year history of the project have we announced so many new products at the same time but it brings the newly refreshed base to keep our software foundation strong.
#Plasma6 @kde
The Kickstarter for Neon Roar is now live! Watch the trailer featuring music by me!
Oh damn, so... One of the more prolific #StarCitizen videographers and podcasters just got hit by the whole Twitch banned in Turkey thing (where they live), but they also got slammed by some severe flooding, and their house is basically ruined. Very extremely not awesome situation. Patreon signups obviously welcome, but there's also a gofundme organised to try and help them out, if you can: https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-tomatoes-relief-fund
Hey everyone! I've been working on a soundtrack for a 16-bit inspired furry video game called Neon Roar and our Kickstarter is launching this coming week! Here's a pre-launch page if you want to be one of the first to check it out!
I do not know how many of you are following @ryanc 's case for legal recognition under UK law. Despite the fact that non-binary people should *technically* be recognized, the UK government has fought this every step of the way.
Ryan is fighting an amazing battle, almost entirely by themself, and if you have any possibility of contributing you could make an amazing difference in the world...
... spreading word of this case also helps, since the mainstream media has been astonishingly silent about it.
@Saki not quite that reason, but essentially, when anything by JamieVX comes on, her entire discography tends to end up in the queue in short order :)
Folks in the #UK, my old colleague Dr. Adrian Bowyer is running a petition:
"New rules for manufacturers of medical device implants
We believe it should be made illegal for manufacturers of medical devices implanted into patients to regularly charge the patient for upgrades or maintenance."
It also calls for "IP" to be released if a manufacturer fails. I feel this subject is important enough to ask you to disseminate the link. Thank you.
@Daojoan "scared of AI" as in "scared of mold". Like mold, it's not going to become sentient and eat us all. But also like mold, it has a tendency to spoil previously good things, and my preferred amount of it in my (information) diet is zero with very few, carefully selected exceptions. Those exceptions, or the bries among the internet mold that is AI, are things like automatic transcription or translation.
"British Gas profits leap from £72m to £751m in a year"
You know those 4k a year energy prices you're all paying now....
Here is an un-paywalled link.
Breath it in. Let it seep in. Let it make you seethe
@GordonFawks @carboncats if the pants are also shiny? As in, the whole outfit? Heck yeah, I'm in :)
@Chel @Plus_Ultra right?! As they say in the video, not quite done, but... Heck, really look forward to seeing these things in game :) even if I, an Orison native, will have to travel to find one... if only there was some kind of... ship... to take you through space... we could call them... interplanetary boats *nods*
European Court of Human Rights declares backdoored encryption is illegal
Surprising third-act twist as Russian case means more freedom for all The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that laws requiring crippled encryption and extensive data retention violate the European Convention on Human Rights – a decision that may derail European data surveillance legislation known as Cha…
#theregister #IT
Omai, not only is there that #StarCitizen free-fly going on (see previous posts), the delightful and relaxing Book of Travels and Meadow games (and their sound tracks) by Might and Delight are currently 25% off :) https://store.steampowered.com/developer/mightanddelight
@cinnamonvector oh gosh, it's adorable :D
weirdo free/libre open source software person, member of the KDE community since forever, who loves squeaky, slinky and fuzzy things - they/them