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@kde so happy to see tuosbhappening, and thank you for pushing on it! :)

leinir boosted

Calligra 4.0 is out! Aside from the complete port to Qt6/KF6, this release contains a new sidebar design, updated dialogs, better Wayland compatibility and more.

#calligra #linux #linuxApps

@Jencen that's not usually where they attach, but... why not there as well, I guess? ;)

@twll wait, when did you become a nisse from the julekalender?! ;)

leinir boosted

Dear "concerned liberals," a word if I may - as you're watching the overwhelming public response to defend English communities from fascist rioters, please pay close attention:

When a metric fuckton of antifascists and antiracists show up, and the fash don't? The end result is hugs and a street party.

When violent fascist mobs show up, and community defenders don't, the end result is fear, violence, and arson.

Please consider this the next time you insist "both sides" are to blame.

leinir boosted

If you hurt an introvert, they don't retaliate, they just drift away. Missed texts, unanswered calls, cancelled plans. They don't want conflict. No stress. No headaches. They just want peace. And they have absolutely no intention of hurting you. They just go away. Quietly.

@irina can confirm that it's a thing, but I have absolutely no idea of the origins. I assume some variant of a folk tale, but that's entirely a guess :)

leinir boosted

Join us tomorrow for "Making a Difference: How to contribute and jump start your career in Free Software with the KDE Community" with Aleix Pol.

Discover how to get involved, grow your skills, and advance your career in free software. Don't miss it!

Join online:

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leinir boosted

As a Blind person i never thought i would be on social media savoring photos. But the communal Mastodon alt text game is so strong that sweet, poetic or silly descriptions abound on my timeline. Thanks to legions of people who take time to write a meaningful description of the ephemera they post, i learn so much about insects, plants, buildings, memes — all dispatches from a dimension of the world that i otherwise wouldn't experience. If you're wondering whether anybody reads these things: YES.

leinir boosted

This initiative calls to require publishers that sell or license videogames to consumers in the European Union (or related features and assets sold for videogames they operate) to leave said videogames in a functional (playable) state.

To be successful, a European citizens' initiative has to reach one million statements of support as well as minimum thresholds in at least 7 countries.

telegram link:
leinir boosted

uspol, furries, kink, Elon Musk, the world is a joke 

Elon Musk was kicked out of the Bay Area Babyfur community.

Much respect to the furries for recognizing how much of a toxic piece of shit Elon is, and giving him no quarter. Even if this may have led to him acquiring twitter so that he could avoid being kicked out, it really shows the power of furry communities to maintain a healthy environment.

leinir boosted

“OpenAI could be on the brink of bankruptcy in under 12 months, with projections of $5 billion in losses.”

Related: this five-minute doodle I just drew.

@the_gneech oh hey, is this a good time to ask about year two, then? ;)

Oh dear! While i was up in Yorkshire finishing off putting down a floor, CIG decided to launch a free-fly event for and because i was busy thinking about that floor, i missed doing my usual writeup ;) But! That's done now, and here you go:

(tl;dr: sign up for an account using and then head to to actually join the free-fly, runs until the 19th (also there's a ref bonus, it's good ;) ))

@Saki @dragonarchitect the answer is annoyingly simple: pictures, videos, and sounds :p

leinir boosted

If you've received #NGIZero funding then you need to pay attention to this:

@nlnet has funded many #fediverse apps and other awesome software for the commons.

What's disappointing is that Horizon has chosen to remove the cascade funding to put more funding to #AI. Which already has several AI funds.

This will in no way help small #FOSS development. I like @NGIZero because it funds some really unique ideas, that come from a diverse community. AI ain't that.

leinir boosted

Normally, this kind of advice is framed more positively, but I want to be absolutely clear:

Don’t put yourself down.
Don’t apologize for existing.
Don’t tell others they should feel bad for knowing you.
Don’t wallow in shame.

Even if you feel bad, or like you’ve something to atone for, that kind of behavior doesn’t help you or anyone else; debasing yourself does nothing to process negative emotions or to take responsibility for your actions - and nothing hurts your loved ones quite like it.

leinir boosted

#Democracy won in the UK! ... ?

... "Democracy won" is generally code for "our side won", or even "we replaced something bad with something somewhat better"

The third ranked party, with 14% of the votes got 1% of the seats, green, with their 7% got 1%, while libdems with 12%, got 11% of the seats.


"So, would you prefer that Reform UK go<stoppit>" - no, but democracy isn't about my preference. Nor do we even know WHAT the percentage could be if people were not given the "we better vote labor, or else..." gun to their head.

There really should be massive demonstrations...

Based on the % votes, I assume a labour / libdem / green coalition government. Many peeps worry "this would give green too much power" but that would be all up to labour. Pushed too far, they could say "nah, you insist that, we'll step down and you rule try to rule with conservatives instead". Small parties "unfair power positions" is generally nothing more than blocker for "abusive changes from larger parties".


leinir boosted

We are proud to introduce Sofawolf Academy, an online community for all levels of furry storyteller who wish to improve their skills.

We will be in Public Beta for the next couple of months while we build out content and take input from members.

Base level membership is FREE and will remain so. Later this year we will introduce additional membership levels that include access to advanced training and support appropriate for individuals seeking to make an income through their writing.

Interested? You can sign up here (Because we are in Beta, we have "Request to Join" step for now.):

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!