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leinir boosted

my kink is that moment when someone bites into food you made and they get all wide-eyed like "you made this??? I love this"

leinir boosted


This is huge. Jacinda Ardern's New Zealand is about to become the first major country to abandon growth as political priority in favour of well-being.



leinir boosted

Instead of "jesus fucking christ"
You could "ada fucking lovelace"

leinir boosted
leinir boosted

New rule:

You don't get to say "oh, you could sell that on Etsy/set up a Patreon/write an e-book and sell it/etc" unless you promise to buy stuff from the person you are saying it to, at a price that pays them a living wage for their time *after* material and admin costs.

I'd say "I don't make the rules" but I totally just made a rule, there, so.

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leinir boosted

My UAV ground control app #Kirogi is named after the Korean word for wild, undomesticated geese - pro pilots. Here's a WIP sketch for the app's mascot to be used in promo: An adventurous domestic goose who's just as good at flying thanks to his mastery of superior technology! Shoutout to AsmoArael @ for helping me realize this character.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!