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leinir boosted
leinir boosted

Bandcamp is waiving all revenue sharing today so artists like me get 100% of the sales!

Since I got laid off yesterday might I suggest you check out the EP I released last year called "Welcome to Korrent City"?

leinir boosted

laid off, patreon link 

I got laid off today for at least 8 weeks. So I figured now might be a good time to promote my Patreon!

I try to post to it multiple times a week with full-res photos and music updates! Also, you can get access to my nearly dead Discord server!

leinir boosted

heard two cis dudes at Marvel are introducing a pair of nonbinary heroes named (i shit you not) "Snowflake" and "Safespace". i figured i should do them a solid and design a pair of cisgender superheroes for them as well, since i know how hard up for representation cis folks are

leinir boosted


Calling Covid-19 the "Chinese virus" is like calling AIDS the "Gay disease" so please don't spread dogwhistles used by racists.


leinir boosted

I'm not gonna blast too many more of these sales, but, if you'll forgive the :birdsite: link, the Furry Writers' Guild has started a thread of writers who could use the support with so many con cancellations. There's a ton of amazing authors here in the replies!

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leinir boosted

. @kde and @Ubports developers met at KDAB office in Berlin last month for #PlasmaMobile sprint

Shell Design improvements, New icons, performance improvements and various new features and applications

Read report from sprint at :

leinir boosted

second chance for Net Neutrality, US politics 

"Important PSA for people living in the US: The FCC has been forced to reopen public comment on the Net Neutrality decision following a court case by #Mozilla. The influx of bots (suspiciously using the names of telecom subscribers) that were anti-Net Neutrality has caused this. The FCC is trying to bury this, and very few are reporting on it.
To (re)file your thoughts on the #FCC 's decision, go to Proceeding 17-108 is #NetNeutrality . This ends in March."

#politics #uspol

BDB now has's anthology "Reclamation Project – Year One" available, and it's even on offer! :D It has my story Sewer Tea in it, in which a maned wolf repair engineer and spelunking guide takes a corvid into a sewer half way up a mountain to explore a little bit, where both nearly die in the process. Sound fun? Grab a copy right here: has you covered :D

leinir boosted

Lord of the Flies is bad. It's well written but I've always felt it kinda fed into that narrative that 'Man's base state is being a terrible person', which is often used as an excuse by terrible people to make themselves feel less responsible about being terrible.


What “classic” book were you to read in high school that you despise to this day?


leinir boosted
leinir boosted
leinir boosted


Retweet if the furry fandom has ever:

Helped with your depression or mental illness

Been a place you found lasting friendships or even a partner

Introduced you to people in other states or countries

Improved your communication skills and teamwork

Inspired you


leinir boosted

2019 has been a hell of a decade, hasn't it?

To help celebrate the upcoming new year, we're giving away a signed collection of our whole catalog! That's My Dinner With Andrea, canon, and The Last Workshop, all signed by the author!

Boost/follow to enter, ends Sunday at Noon PST!

leinir boosted


A 16-yr-old boy died in Border Patrol custody. He had the flu

They didn't take him to the hospital
They didn't release him
They didn't even seem to check on him as he was dying on the floor of his cell, contrary to the govt's account

We have the video


leinir boosted

A friendly reminder that if you could see yourself enjoying a small comics/narrative art-focused social community like, feel free to send me a DM and I can set you up with an invite!

Open to any creative people who like good stories and who are kind, supportive, inclusive, and good beans all around. Come join us at Camp!

🌲 ⛺ 💚🏔️ 🌌

leinir boosted


Retweet if u or someone u know suffers from:

• depression
• anxiety
• ptsd
• bipolar disorder
• personality disorder
• body dysmorphia
• ocd
• eating disorder
• schizophrenia
• selfharm

I wanna show people that's it more common than one thinks. You're not alone.


Reclamation Project - Year One is up for preorder, with my story Sewer Tea in it! You can also drop by FurPlanet's table if you're going to Midwest FurFest where it's being released :D Go on, you know you want a nice cup of sewer tea ;)

leinir boosted

Uncle Bob and apparently a good bit of tech twitter: Identity has no place in code, sitting there existing as a queer code project (also as a buttplug): u fucking wat m8

(I agree with Grady's take and I'd rather link someone I agree with/respect)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!