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leinir boosted

After a few weeks of bug squashing #appimagebuilder v1 is ready!
Thanks a lot to all those who have tested, reported and helped on the development!

Grab your copy at:

#AppImage #LINUX #Applications #KDE #gnome

leinir boosted

Here we are on Mastodon!

The Voice of Dog is a furry audiofiction podcast, with uplifting anthropomorphic stories from writers in the community. Occasionally NSFW.
Hosted by Khaki and Rob MacWolf, read by friends. New stories every Monday and Friday, sometimes poetry on Wednesday.

Find us at:
or wherever you get your podcasts.

If you've got a story you think would be a good fit, please get in touch!

leinir boosted

How can KDE and FOSS help computing be eco-friendly? Read more here:

Celebrate Earth Day 2022 with and KDE Eco!

FOSS means communities can directly influence the factors that contribute to sustainable software design, whether when using the software or developing it. Let's build energy-efficient Free Software together!

#FOSS #FreeSoftware #KDE #KDEEco #RedHat #Sustainability #EarthDay2022

leinir boosted

If you're a UK citizen or resident, you can add your voice for a real conversion "therapy" ban that doesn't leave out trans people. (Current tally just under 90,000 in one weekend)

leinir boosted

"First Ever Eco-Certified Computer Program: #KDE's Popular PDF-Reader #Okular"

The multi-platform universal document viewer now officially recognized for #sustainable software design.

#Ecolabel awarded for #transparency in #energy use, extending operating lives of devices, and enabling user #autonomy.

1st and only eco-certfied #software within 30 organizations of Global Ecolabelling Network!

Read more here:

#GermanEnvAgency #BMUV #BlauerEngel #BlueAngel

leinir boosted

European Politics 

“Europe cried about a 'migrant crisis' in 2015 against 1.4m refugees fleeing war in Syria and yet quickly absorbed some 2m Ukrainians within days, complete with flags and piano music. Europe never had a migrant crisis. It has a racism crisis.” - Ayo Sogunro

leinir boosted

So last night I discovered that International Fairy Day is June 24th, just in case my fellow fairies need to know when their day is 🧚🏿🧚🏾🧚🏽🧚🏼🧚🏻🧚🧚🏿‍♀️🧚🏾‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚🏿‍♂️🧚🏾‍♂️🧚🏽‍♂️🧚🏼‍♂️🧚🏻‍♂️🧚‍♂️

leinir boosted

uk client journalism, fascism 

increasingly seeing uk journos picking up and using the word "decadence", perhaps off the back of oliver dowden's recent speech to the heritage foundation in the us. i don't think it's coordinated, in so much as uk journos are impervious numpties who pick up words that sound nice, that their friends are using, without ever having any awareness about anything.

leinir boosted


the earn-it act is trying to be passed quietly. this destroys encryption, and tries to destroy any sort of sexual content on the internet. your messages will be accessible to the govt. this affects EVERYONE. Call your senators, email them, do anything to vote against it.


leinir boosted


it's important for people to see because they act like jim crow happened to people who died long ago.


leinir boosted

Hey if you haven’t heard, Wordle is getting bought by the New York Times.

Anyway did you know that Wordle as it is today is coded in such a way that allows it to be run offline locally or hosted somewhere else because it does everything client-side and that it can generate enough words until 2026?

anyway have this random magnet link

leinir boosted

teachers should get paid more than software developers

So hey, if you've found yourself wondering "What in the world has leinir been doing at work the last half a year?", then wonder no longer! ;) Grab yourself a raspberry pi 4B 8GB and a 7" 1024x600 usb touch display, flash this baby on an sd card, and have a jolly ol' slap at some music - :)

leinir boosted

We've reached over 125,000! Keep signing, because it helps show the govt that there is a lot of opposition to their cruel & racist bill.

Plus, now write to your MP - template here

#NationalityandBordersBill #StopNABB

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From us at the foxhole, to all our friends around the world: We thought we'd do a little thing for everybody this year :)

leinir boosted

music, bandcamp friday, single release, furry, latex, rubber 


Just dropped my new single for #BandcampFriday! It’s loud and energetic with big distorted synths!

Check it out and help super independent music!

leinir boosted
leinir boosted

The universe is not transactional. You do not need to "earn" or "be worthy" of love and respect.

leinir boosted

Hey! Set up a new telegram channel for furry podcasts that will post announcements when new episodes drop. So far, I have Qoheleth and The Voice of Dog, but if you've got one you'd like me to add so folks get updates and can find new shows, let me know!

leinir boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!