Looking for something new to read this #IndieApril?
After magic, adventure, and a dragon PoV story? Then The Destiny of Dragons is for you, starting with Axinstone.
More interested in sci-fi, weasels in space, transformation, and an evil, oppressive empire? Check out Reborn!
Links to the Destiny of Dragons and Reborn series can be found here: https://books2read.com/rl/jfrcoates
Furry Trash, the anthology I edited, is available from
Fenris Publishing: https://fenrispublishing.com/order.php
If I were making a movie set in California right now, I'd be sure to include one scene where characters are talking in a lush, modern train speeding between the Bay and LA. At one point they'd all raise their glasses & toast Elon in memory of the weird hyperloop accident that ended his life (in that timeline), and allowed California high-speed rail to resume development.
EVERYONE! Please contact your congresspeople and voice your fierce opposition to Senate Bill S.686 !!! This bill is an extreme encroachment of what remains of our basic rights. It completely nullifies FOIA, it creates a pathway to prison time for VPN usage, and so much more. https://docs.reclaimthenet.org/BILLS-118s686is.pdf
Self-promotion, Patreon
This is your reminder that I have a Patreon an that it is my main source of income.
I try my best to post three times a month there: what you get is full-res versions of art (mostly NSFW) that you would otherwise get in lower web resolution in my public galleries.
My goal right now is for my Patreon to earn me as much as I did in my old job, which wasn’t much but is still noticeably more than what I currently get.
Any contribution would be welcome.
By the way, regarding Content Warnings this is for a very specific crowd, so unless you think CWs are bad because people need "exposure therapy", you can disregard the rest, but do boost 💞 so this can reach the right people
What the Fuck makes you think that you're qualified enough to give people, who you don't know and don't know any of the history of, exposure therapy online, without their fucking consent?
Are you a qualified and experienced therapists? Are you trauma informed therapists?
Oh, you're not? Well then, here's a message you need to be exposed to:
You're a piece of shit.
You have no right, nor knowledge, nor expertise to say that doing that will help cure anyone. Got it? Okay? okay.
The best way to help people with trauma is to not retraumatize them. So shut the Fuck up and Fuck off out of here.
Admins, don't let people like this stay on your servers if you care about people at all.
In 2010 satisfaction with the #NHS was a record high of 70%; last year (2022), when the British Social Attitudes survey asked again, it was down to 29%.
A very start reminder that the NHS is not safe in #Tory hands & that defunding is a strategic plan to 'incentivise' people into the hands of private #healthcare.
The data suggest 50% respondents see underfunding as the key issue, while the majority continue to support the social mission of the #NHS.
This is #healthcrisis engineered by No.10
INTERNET RATIONALIST: Consider the following thought experiment. Imagine a hyperintelligent artificial intelligence–
ME: No
ME: I am declining to imagine the hyperintelligent artificial intelligence.
ME: I'm thinking about birds right now
ME: Dozens of crows, perched atop great standing stones
It's 1987. The Metropolitan Police are waging an intimidation campaign against London's LBTQ+ community.
Wearing rubber gloves to "protect from AIDS" they raid the Royal Vauxhall Tavern
"Well well," says Lily Savage (Paul O'Grady) from the stage as the police pile into the venue. "It looks like we’ve got help with the washing up" /1
An interesting challenge here from James O'Malley, on linking broad progressive demands with climate action:
"Look at what galvanised political efforts to legalise on-shore wind
and commit to more nuclear power. It wasn’t banging on about “climate justice”, or appeals to the impact climate change will have on the developing world. It was the war in Ukraine, which overnight made the issue one of energy security – an issue that Tories and right-wingers can get behind"
The #Tories seem to have rethought #netzero ahead of a major presentation in #Aberdeen this week;
now emphasising #energysecurity, the new plans have the fingerprints of the #fossilfuel lobby all over them, with a down-grading of #greenenergy investment & support alongside likely clearance for a major new #NorthSea oil filed & a step back from incentives for solar panels & other micro-generation green solutions;
Its almost like the #Tories had been taken to lunch (a lot) by #BigOil executives
Yes, all of these things are urgent and we should do them ASAP, but rather than viewing them as "OMG we must do this to stave off disaster" (true), let's see it as "Hooray, let's get enthusiastic about ways to make everything better as quickly as possiible and really make it happen".
"Eight things the world must do to avoid the worst of climate change"
I cannot believe this suit to try and shut down the Internet Archive (brought by publishers under the guise of trying to pay authors) is proceeding.
Yes, authors deserve to be paid for their work. But no, abolishing this library is not the way to go about it.
Hundreds of NHS hospitals have been ordered to share people’s confidential medical records with the American spy-tech company, Palantir. Read the investigation from openDemocracy. #dataprotection #privacy #NHS https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/palantir-peter-thiel-nhs-england-foundry-faster-data-flows/
“I was a paid-up member of the male–female brain brigade. It took me several years and a long struggle to realize that I was just not finding the kinds of differences I expected.”
Cognitive neuroscientist Gina Rippon explains that there was never a scientific basis to the myth that male and female brains are biologically different — instead, a major reason why even young children behave differently depending on their gender is because they are “tiny social sponges”.
weirdo free/libre open source software person, member of the KDE community since forever, who loves squeaky, slinky and fuzzy things - they/them