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As per usual with things like this: Don't spend until you want to, and don't spend more than feels sensible. This is a "buy to play" game, so anything called a "game package" will get you perpetual access to the game, but also don't buy until you've at least tried it a bit. That said, this is a good time to nab a package, as two of the game packages are on offer. Personally i like the 100i, but the Aurora MR will do just fine, and is the cheapest way to get in the game for forever :)

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Alrighty then, friends! The free-fly has just started, and that means you can try out the game for free,no strings attached,until July 17th.

Sign up for an account using my link here:
Then follow this other link to get in on all the things:
Importantly:You can't add a ref code once you've created your account, so definitely don't forget :)

If you should decide to buy access, you'll also get a nifty little buggy to scoot around in :)

Hello Friends! Time for another King's Corner, and this time it's all, like, topic based and stuff, where Dimi chats with Meep and your truly about the future and past of the first station in the game, Port Olisar, which is scheduled for replacement in the next patch:

Also, if you want to try the game - hang on for a few more hours, there's a free-fly due to start today, and i'll drop some infos on the topic when that time comes :)

leinir boosted

Today marks my 4 year's anniversary of moving to The UK, to live with a group of friends I have known for quite while prior.
Four years later, I still live here, and our relationship are growing stronger for each day that passes.

This has been long time in the making. And I am thrilled that it actually came to fruition.

Happy squeak and the wish of cheese for everyone who would like some*.

*due technically reasons, only virtual and imaginary cheese can be offered at this time

leinir boosted

I see the old “too many people are going to university to do Mickey Mouse degrees” trope is doing the rounds again. My son did a degree in Comedy Writing and Performance. Did he get a job in the creative industries? No. Is he earning a good salary? Also no. But he was greatly enriched by studying something he was passionate about for three years. What is wrong with just learning for learning’s sake? Education is not supposed to be merely a mechanism for churning out workers

leinir boosted

Boy, nothing says welcome to mastodon like a bunch of accounts announcing you’ll be gone in a minute, scolding you for taking so long to leave Twitter, or pretending there’s nothing frustrating about signing up to a place that has different rules than you’re used to.

Cut the new arrivals some slack, people.

New folk, you’re very welcome. Most of us are kind and friendly. You’ll get the hang of it! #Welcome #WelcomeToMastodon

leinir boosted

Shattering the myth of men as hunters and women as gatherers

"They found that women hunt in 79% of the analyzed societies, regardless of their status as mothers. More than 70% of female hunting appears to be intentional—as opposed to opportunistic killing of animals encountered while performing other activities, and intentional hunting by women appears to target game of all sizes, most often large game."


leinir boosted

Lakeside fursuiters!

My fav spot for photographing fursuits at ConFuzzled is by the lake. Here’s an assortment of different critters I’ve taken down there for pics over the years.
This is an expansion of a collage I originally made in 2018, to which I’ve added 15 more pics.

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leinir boosted
leinir boosted

I wonder how many persons with an IT background use fedi vs people with no IT background...

:renoteRequested: for reach (?

leinir boosted

OK can we get this same energy for Discord now?
OK folks can we see the problems now?

leinir boosted

3 days left before the Pepper&Carrot game jam starts!

It's hosted by @brettmakesgames here:

Good luck to the 17 participants who already joined, and because I cannot wait to see the results, I colored a sketch with Pepper and Carrot playing a 'VS Fighter' (Carrot is clearly winning).

#indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #videogames #krita #MastoArt #HumanArt

leinir boosted

I hate the damage exclusionism has done to particularly baby queers. Yes you can be a bi lesbian and you can be trans with no dysphoria, I promise nobody actually cares about that except chronically online people.

The entire concept of being queer is having your identity not fit in a box, contradictory identities are welcome by design. Please stop worrying about it and just do what makes you happy

leinir boosted

Free Software activists give people control over technology, and help defend their digital #rights. We have created means that have allowed us to become organized and connected, bypassing utilities controlled by unethical corporations.

KDE presents "For Activists": you to can leverage the tools to effectively organize rallies, privately communicate with fellow #community members, and safely manage your own grassroots #movement .

For activists, by activists.


leinir boosted

One of our most popular cartoons of all time is the "Who can work in science" pie chart. We felt that it was long overdue a small update. Happy #PrideMonth everyone #LGBTQ

leinir boosted

There's yet another "AI will kill us all! It poses a risk of extinction!" letter going around, and I just… Y'all i am just so fucking tired.

CAPITALISM poses risk of extinction (climate change, right the fuck now).

WHITE SUPREMACY poses risk of extinction (genocide, eugenics).

HEGEMONY poses risk of extinction (nuclear FUCKING WAR).

And whatever "risk of extinction" "AI" poses, it poses because it is BUILT FROM THOSE EXTREMELY HUMAN VALUES.

Even if you stopped every "AI" project running, RIGHT THIS SECOND, those values would still kill us. And no matter how long you "pause" your "AI" projects, if you don't address those values? Then when you start your "AI" back up? You'll KEEP BUILDING THOSE SAME VALUES IN.

This is not hard. At this point, as much as it pains me to say it, it's not even novel. And yet you're still not fucking getting it.

I'm so goddam tired.

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leinir boosted

Many folks have been taught about “The Tragedy of The Commons” in school. But what most folks don’t know is that it was complete bunk written by a white nationalist and eugenicist to justify colonization and genocide.

Commons can be successful. Many long-standing and successful commons exist. Many were studied by Nobel Prize-winning Political Scientist Elinor Ostram, who codified 8 principles for how commons can be governed sustainably and equitably in a community.

I’d really like for folks to stop using the term “tragedy of the commons” that assumes inevitable failure, and start calling them what they are. Commons with improper governance or “Failed commons”.

#socialism #economics

leinir boosted

The #Akademy2023 schedule is here!

Find out all about how remote desktops work in Wayland; what new features and accessibility improvements enhance classic utilities like Kleopatra and KRunner; why you can integrate ActivityPub with everything; the state of Plasma for embedded; how to test KDE's software for efficiency and power consumption; and, of course, what's coming in Plasma 6 and beyond.

Don't miss the most exciting KDE-powered event of the year!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!