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leinir boosted

This though 👀👀 hands up if you also like being pet like a puppydog or perhaps a kitty

leinir boosted

of the environmental impact of computing, i think its very important to mention that storing shit is still pretty free. what really demands Power and Space and Water is to constantly throw all that data into the perpetual surveillance machine. storing a trillion cat pictures is cheap and small. putting it all thru multiple extremely heavy analysis processes per day just so google has useless metadata about you, is extremely expensive and what Business is really all about today. thats where the big money is being poured into

leinir boosted

Please help us get to 10k, sign and share, we want to see if the gov are still using the same copy and paste reply 😂


Petition: Hold a referendum on re-joining the European Union

leinir boosted

I dream of a world in which everyone can engage in their weird niche hobbies with reckless abandon and post about them online, fully embracing their cringe and letting everyone else in to enjoy.

leinir boosted

Remembrance has become a performative act here in the UK, a means by which people demonstrate their patriotism to each other and pay lip service to the dead, all while ignoring the human cost of conflict.

If poppy disease makes you feel sick, give a couple of quid to SSAFA instead. SSAFA is the Armed Forces charity. They've successfully managed to avoid being politicised and have stayed true to their mission.

#UK #remembranceday

leinir boosted

When somebody asks "does this software need to be accessible to people with disabilities?” the answer you're looking for is “any level of discrimination is unacceptable and illegal.”

leinir boosted

The #Tories are a real & present danger to #democracy as it now seems they are seeking to widen the definition of 'extremism' to include anyone who is 'undermining' Britain!

Such a catch-all phrase will likely give the police the ability to shut down pretty much any dissent:.

The leaked document states: 'Extremism is the promotion or advancement of any ideology which aims to overturn or undermine the UK’s system of parliamentary democracy, its institutions & values'!

leinir boosted

Software influences energy consumption. Knowing how to minimize it can improve battery life and is greener for the environment.

Learn how we are working on this at KDE in 'Measuring energy consumption of software' from #Akademy2023, now available online.


leinir boosted

As a few people have asked. Here's the link to the organ patreon.

Situation is that one third of our triumverate has sadly had to drop out. This has left us £300 odd a month short on rent.
We've mainly been trying to do it using our own cash. But this is a bit much.

It's all still starting out so we don't have much to offer in return yet bar our eternal gratitude.
Our plan is to do a Christmas/New year/both broadcast. So Of course, patrons will have access to this early, as well as any other stuff we do.
We'll be looking to include supporters in the newsletter. As well as offering other things/tiers.

If you are in the East Midlands area of the UK. Physical help is always appreciated. Mainly for lift and shift. but building work, electrical/wiring, soldering & various other things are always going on.

Please boost this as best you can.
The sooner we can get sorted, the sooner we can start making content and growing things <3

Youtube -

Patreon -

leinir boosted

Say NO to broken browsers! ⛔

The EU is preparing a very dangerous law that would undermine the security of every browser.

Speak up now! 🗣️

@Jeremiah has more on how you can help to protect the web! 💪


leinir boosted

I slowly creep away from anything involving data-scraping, government backdoors, mass surveillance, etc, but not because I understand the issues in any depth.

It's because I read my Terry Pratchett.

“Cheery was aware that Commander Vimes didn't like the phrase 'The innocent have nothing to fear', believing the innocent had everything to fear, mostly from the guilty but in the longer term even more from those who say things like 'The innocent have nothing to fear'.”

― Terry Pratchett, Snuff

leinir boosted

Where is your profile picture from?

Other (reply)

leinir boosted

NHS, impending puberty blocker ban 

NHS England is planning to stop doctors prescribing puberty blockers to trans children and youth – a de facto national ban on PBs for under-18s, except for a handful of long-term research participants and those whose parents are willing and able to pursue private options (a “loophole” which I expect will then be closed off in due course)

A consultation on this policy proposal closes this weekend (29 October), so if you live in England, please take the opportunity to comment here:

I heard that it's :D Have this shot from last Sunday of Rattie and myself ready to head off and do some parcel deliveries and look for bear head helmets in ;) photo by King Dimitrius, taken at the Cornerstone watch party - and what a party it was!

leinir boosted

Krita artist and contributor, David Revoy, gets massive exhibition in mall

@davidrevoy, creator of the popular Pepper and Carrot webcomic (, has been honored with an exhibition of his work in a French mall. Massive murals with images from his comics are displayed all over the shopping center at Plérin, Brittany.

David is an active @Krita contributor, and will be signing copies of his work at the mall on Saturday, the 4th of November.

leinir boosted


I’m on a late meeting and this engineer just said “currently, the output is in watts” and an EE nerd on my side said “you mean powerly” and they’re like whaaat? And he’s like “currently is in amps, powerly is in watts” and then everyone died

leinir boosted

Yeah, still digesting yesterday's stuff, and... damn, this is some amazing stuff, both great things just as features for the game, but also how they're implementing it is How I Like It Done. An example being the new starmap stuff, which while it looks great and will help the game play better, it's also done as a live render, not a specially built extra geometry like a lot of games do, which, vital for a game of this scale. An example, but a representative one :)

Heading up to Manchester today to hang out with a bunch of people from our guild Cornerstone. Oh, and also i guess we're going to watch CitizenCon together, that's also nice ;)

Yesterday patch 3.21 dropped to Live, and they just casually popped a referral bonus in there as well, so if you've been pondering on pledging, there's that bonus, and a good deal on a couple of starter packs right now. i've popped all the details in my usual post here: :)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!