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leinir boosted

Let me scream it: Your problem isn't [X/Y/Z] its capitalism!
AI isn't a problem, social media isn't a problem, mondays aren't a problem, smut isn't a problem.

leinir boosted

Under-the-radar late night launch: RSS Parrot is live! It talks like Mastodon, but it doesn't walk like Mastodon. BUT! It will relay any RSS feed straight into your timeline.

Turn Mastodon into your very own feed reader. Follow anything that has an RSS feed and get a toot about new posts.

How? Mention @birb with the address you want to follow.

More details at Boost for visibility :)

#RSS #Atom #FeedReader #Fediverse

leinir boosted

At #37c3 they have IRC, and Matrix for text and for voice they setup their own LTE/2G/3G/SIP/DECT network where you bring whatever phone-like device and pick a 4 digit phone number.

Meanwhile in the USA for #defcon they just paid Discord money and told everyone to accept their privacy policy, and even the DC Privacy Village asks people to sign up for Slack and Google.

People ask why I fly to CCC from the USA. It is because that is the closest place to find a thriving hacker culture.

Have a wonderful winter season (sorry to those on the other side, just imagine the message is sent half a year late, very sorry about the delay, friends!) :)

leinir boosted

jesus fucking christ. someone just told me "I block everyone who posts or boosts ads" and then blocked me because i posted about my games being on sale. people like this need to learn the difference between individual creators promoting art they made and "ads", for fucks sake

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leinir boosted

#BlackLivesMatter memorial garden in #Seattle destroyed by city today - officials trying to wash away all memory of the rebellion and attempts by people to engage in self-organization and direct action in the face of state violence and capitalist crisis.

leinir boosted

Platforming and funding nazis while eliminating sexuality from the internet is the design. This isn’t specifically a #Substack thing (although they are extremely guilty and complicit). It’s #Paypal , #Stripe , and all the major card processors. They’re either specifically trying to support a Christian Nationalist agenda or they’re very knowingly allowing Christian Nationalists to work through them.

In terms of sexuality, the Christian Nationalists are defining everything that isn’t sex for “procreative purposes” as being deviant. If you have anything relating to your gender that doesn’t conform to their made up ideas of “traditional gender norms,” they’ve defined that as sexual too.

This is the Christian Nationalist agenda. They may not have come for you yet but they’ll get to you soon enough. We’ve already been fighting. It’s long past time for everyone else to join us.

leinir boosted

@hacks4pancakes man, even speaking as a woman with a completely pink-decked desk and lots of uwu stuff, the way some companies try to include women feels SO CRINGE

I do not need a she-curity woman of the week, and I do not need to be invited to yet another networking event where I get a pink water bottle in exchange for listening to a man talk about how much he loves "badass hacker girls". I just want, like, normal cool hacker stuff but without the misogyny

leinir boosted

ukpol (transphobia, call to action) 

So the government put out its guidance for how schools should treat trans pupils - and, unsurprisingly, it's useless and transphobic.

This is in the draft/consultation phase, which means they're taking feedback. If you're a teacher, or have a kid, or are a current student, or have any other reason they might listen to you, might be worth filling it in:

leinir boosted

:ReBoot: Big #ReBoot news! :ReBoot:

The master tapes have been found by the ReBoot Rewind documentary crew and they need our help with finding a working D1 tape deck to digitize them.

Crossposting this from Facebook:


Hey you, YES YOU! We have some good news to share!

For years, there have been rumours circulating about the status of the original PAL D1 masters of ReBoot and whether they still exist. After visiting Mainframe Studios yesterday to take a look through their ReBoot archives, we’re happy to confirm that the masters are all here, for every episode of the show!

Getting a proper digital transfer of the D1 masters is high priority item for us. It would mean having the entire series in the best possible picture and sound quality, presented as accurately as the day it was rendered. There’s also a library of additional ReBoot content (animation tests, toy commercials, Electronic Arts video game footage, IMAX content) that is currently stuck on the D1 format and we need to preserve it for the future. This would obviously benefit the documentary but ultimately, it would benefit the fans the most!

Here’s where we need help. We need a working D1 tape deck to capture all these tapes. Mainframe hasn’t had one for years. We haven’t been able to find anyone in Vancouver, British Columbia, or even all of Canada that has one of these tape decks. We’d greatly prefer buying or renting one of these decks so that the tapes can be captured locally, without needing to ship them.

If anyone has a lead on where we might be able to get one of these decks, please contact us!

Contact info:
📧 Email:
🔗 Facebook post:
🔗 Instagram:

#tv #video #retrocomputing #retrotechnology #retro #tech

leinir boosted

The last time Facebook embraced an open federated standard they did it for precisely long enough to saturate server-to-server contacts between an already existing userbase and their stuff, then shut off that federation and told anyone cut off by it to just come to Facebook instead.

This is literally something they did. This is in their playbook.

The people running the stuff behind the scenes were blindsided by it; it was an executive decision. Those people wanted to build the thing in good faith and the Business Plan was to let them until the time was right to strike.

That we're again going "It seems to be done right, let's give them a chance" is a little infuriating considering I was pretty impacted by the fallout of the last time.

leinir boosted

The gender today is the smell of two a.m. just before it starts to hail and sound of contented purring.

leinir boosted

If you use dropbox--they've opted everyone INTO third party AI tools. Go into your settings and turn it off.

leinir boosted

@TechConnectify This isn't really directly to you, it's to admins reading you and seeing all this.


It's easy and it works, runs as a cron, fills in the missing replies to posts. I've been running it for a year. You want it.

leinir boosted

Don't sleep on these first results from the world's largest universal basic income experiment ever. (23,000 cash recipients with 5,000 getting UBI for 12 years)

1. Entrepreneurship skyrocketed thanks to the UBI functioning as both startup capital and spending power for people to be customers at those businesses.


leinir boosted

so a group of russian queer activists residing in germany opened an official petition to the bundestag to help trans people from russia easily flee to germany. it's not some change org shit, it's literally on bundestag's website.

but the issue is, we need at least 5000 votes for it to be reviewed.

you don't have to be a citizen of germany for your vote to be considered. please take a second to vote. lives depend on your decision.

leinir boosted

A reminder: furry is punk, furry is counter-culture. The fandom exists as a backlash to the social rules imposed by our society. This group is the most genuine, most empathetic collection of people you will find in a world where being genuine, lifting others up, and having empathy are seen as weakness. We are all here for many different reasons but we are all in this together.

leinir boosted

For the love of life people just switch to firefox. Chrome sucks. No, Brave sucks too. Get out of there, and get Firefox with uBlock Origin.

#firefox #chromeSucks #noBraveSucksToo

leinir boosted
leinir boosted

It's #BandcampFriday, the day where Bandcamp waives their fees and all the profits go towards the artists!

As usual, if you haven't checked out my music I'd recommend my album "In Flux" to start!

Bandcamp Friday's are the best way to support independent artists. On average, when someone buys a copy of "In Flux" it's the equivalent of 1700 individual streams on Spotify!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!