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leinir boosted

555 Books sold since the release a week ago! Thank you 🎉 My 'Special Launch Offer' sale ends in ten days. Will it reach 1000? That would be amazing. Get them while they're cheap 🙂

leinir boosted

Try to remember that some people have a more complicated relationship with pronouns than you do.

Encouraging people in give pronouns in their bio is nice, but try not to be so heavy handed. It's rude to insist.

Instead, consider normalising the use of they/them for anyone who doesn't explicitly state their pronouns.


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leinir boosted

Seeing as it's #InternationalPronounsDay, I'd like to remind you that singular they/them are genderless pronouns by definition. These do not refer exclusively to any nonbinary gender identities, and do not belong to nonbinary people.

They/them can be used for anyone and everyone.

If you don't know what someone's preferred pronouns are, using they/them is always a gramatically correct choice, because these words refer simply to "this one person"

leinir boosted
leinir boosted

Plausible: Self-Hosted #Google Analytics alternative

Plausible #Analytics is a 100% open source web analytics tool. Our mission is to reduce corporate surveillance by making a useful and privacy-friendly website analytics tool that doesn’t come from the adtech world

leinir boosted

KDE is a worldwide community that develops free open source software such as the Plasma desktop environment, #Kdenlive, @Krita and lots more. You can follow their official Fediverse account at:

➡️ @kde

...they have a PeerTube channel at:

➡️ @kde

...there's a French-language account at:

➡️ @kdefr (in French)

...and a Spanish account at:

➡️ @kde_espana (in Spanish)

The official website is at

#KDE #Plasma #PlasmaDesktop #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource

leinir boosted

The true #hacktoberfest challenge: submit a PR on any platform OTHER than github (@codeberg or #gitlab) and as a reward, you can boast about supporting truly open source platforms and none of that corporate surveillance crap.


leinir boosted

Just looked at some projects on Github and saw that the site no longer advertises a standard git command to copy for repo cloning. Now they encourage the use of 'Github CLI' with the syntax of 'gh repo clone'.

No doubt it's a wrapper around git that will slowly gain features that git won't add because there is no need for them.

They are no longer a 'git hub', they are a 'repo space'.

All leading to the classic, Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

leinir boosted

WOOHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The last batch of printed proof looks perfect! Finally, after one year of struggle... Quick blog post:

leinir boosted

I got a lovely comment about my book this weekend and I'm still all happy snuggly about it

This is what I'm like everytime I get a nice comment about my book

WHICH is why you should always tell writers when you enjoyed their writing ^_^

leinir boosted


Need a Harry Potter replacement?

Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender.

-Only 3 seasons long
-Has “houses” and they’re great
-Magic powers
-A “chosen one”
-Extremely funny
-Doesn’t aggrandize the world’s richest TERF’s intellectual property.

-It’s on Netflix


leinir boosted

Hey, look at this thing my friend Mint wrote on why he left.

You'll probably make fun of it like you do with the daily dot article.

But maybe you'll read it and... think? Reflect? Change?


Mimosas for award ceremonies ;) The final bits of by for this year, and congratulations to this year's winners of the Akademy Awards! :D

leinir boosted

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as KDE, is in fact, the Plasma desktop environment. KDE is not a desktop environment unto itself, but rather a community that makes software, and the Plasma desktop is just another free component they produce.

There we go, coffee in hand, telly pointed at the room 1 stream (for now, i'll be in room 2 tomorrow, come watch!). Ready for by :D

leinir boosted

The level of stockholm syndrome among techies is fascinating:

"Google charges a few dollars for every 1,000 times the map is accessed by users. On the afternoon of the first day after the web site went live, Wu received a bill for $2,000. The next day, the total jumped to $26,000."


"Google also helped out by waiving Maps charges in the interest of fighting Covid-19."

If only there was some other, free, map. If only...


leinir boosted

“So you see, there’s no way to prove that anything is real,” the android explained. “We can only know what our senses tell us, and senses are easily fooled.”

“So you're saying all of this," the programmer gestured at their surroundings, "could just be a big simulation?”


“In that case,” she frowned, “I’d like to file several bug reports.”

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

leinir boosted

LGBT rights in Poland, police brutality 

Please fucking boost this as far as possible. Please, PLEASE.

A Polish trans activist named Margot was arrested. Her "crime" is minor destruction of property (she cut up a tarp on a truck covered with vicious anti-LGBT propaganda).

Her pre-emptive arrest for two months was authorized by a court, despite the fact that such arrest, by Polish law, are meant to be used for people who are a flight risk or an immediate danger to others.

But wait, there's more.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!