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leinir boosted
leinir boosted

🎉 Happy anniversary KDE! For this occasion, I painted this artwork (using #krita on #kubuntu, of course).
→ The party continues on

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A dragon landed in the town square.
"I wish to speak to the reeve."
The reeve hesitantly entered the square.
"I hear there is now a tax to pay on wealth?" the dragon said.
"Er... yes?"
"Then I need help calculating my share."
"Why? We can't make you pay."
"What monster wouldn't?"
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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New Poor Life Choices Video!

MiTail Unboxing and Demo, condensed!

I edited my MiTail unboxing down to ~15 minutes (50% less than the livestream time, which had a bunch of pauses.)

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Some insight into the Guardian's enthusiastic complicity in anti-trans violence in their gleeful censoring of Judith Butler's interview, wherein she highlighted the comfortable synergy of TERFs in contemporary fascism:

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leinir boosted

BookWyrm is a Fediverse alternative to GoodReads.

They've just opened their onboarding site at:

("Onboarding" is when you make it as easy as possible for people to join something.)

BookWyrm and its instances are currently still in beta testing, but you can join now if you want to try it out. Instances marked as "closed" mean you can join but you have to request an invitation.

#FediTips #Fediverse #GoodReads #BookWyrm

leinir boosted

Hey Europeans, there's a European citizens initiative going round right now for universal/unconditional basic income.

The deadline has just been extended to the start of May.

Be cool if you signed it!

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London Protest / home office protest info / ukpol 

Via email:
"The UK’s brutal, racist treatment of asylum seekers is already appallingly unjust.
Yet now, the government’s plans to pile even more hardship on people seeking safety from violence and oppression. Its new immigration policy plan will deny safe, legal routes for refugees to flee political, religious and anti-LGBT persecution, then punish them for escaping by irregular routes. Many of those seeking sanctuary will find themselves arbitrarily imprisoned in brutal, inhumane, offshore detention camps. Read more about the Nationality & Border Bill from the Refugee Council.

"Unconditional support for oppressed people to seek sanctuary and live peaceful lives in this country - regardless of how they got here or their ability to pay - is key to supporting liberation struggles everywhere.
And once here, no one should live in fear of deportation or be limited in their rights and opportunities. Everyone living here should have equal access to work, social security, and public services.

"Join us on Thursday, 29 July from 7 pm outside the Home Office. Stand up to the Home Office to show our solidarity with those in need, regardless of which side of a border they come from!"

#Protest #London #Refugee

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Wondering where you can buy DRM-free ebooks?

Got you covered!

Here's a list of almost 300 DRM-free ebook, digital comic, magazine, and RPG bookshops. SHould be plenty to get you stared, right?

Happy Reading,

^Kevin 👍

leinir boosted

apparently there's a movement to turn mount rushmore back over to indigenous hands and have it turned into something similar to the holocaust museum. anyone know if there's any way i can provide financial support :boost_ok:

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leinir boosted

Contributing to free software requires privilege. Even regular contributors might sometimes find themselves without it.

Time, focus and money. You might find yourself lacking in one of these at various points in your life.

While software projects from startups move like streams, most free software projects move like glaciers. They move slowly but they keep moving for decades.

Being away from a project doesn't mean you have to give it up. You can join back later.

#FreeSoftware #Privilege

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ukpol, ACAB, how to "breach the peace" with a bag 

"Pink Peacock hasn’t even opened its doors and is already ruffling blue feathers.

On Monday at around 1.30pm, Morgan Holleb and Joe Isaac – founders of the Glasgow-based queer Yiddish anarchist pay-what-you-can café – were tucking into lunch and an episode of Star Trek when they received a visit from the police. The officers told the pair they were suspected of breaching the peace – for displaying a 'fuck the police' tote bag in their shop window."

"Holleb only realised he’d been charged with a crime after seeing a story in the Glasgow Times."

"On Wednesday, the Scottish Sun published a hit piece on the 'anarchy diner', saying it had 'sparked fury by banning cops and ‘terfs’' The following night, a man painted over the shop front, which also had its window smashed on 27 May, though it is unclear whether the attack was targeted."

The outcome, as tweeted by the owners:

"last night an avid sun reader painted over our window, but was stopped by some lovely comrades who caught him on camera and 'took his paint off him and wacked him with his own roller'"

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leinir boosted

Reading: Black and British (slavery, history) 

I just want to say that David Olusoga's book 'Black and British: A Forgotten History' is really REALLY good. He has a really accessible style and knows how to use the original sources, often from black people, to tell a story.

Obviously, some of the events you read about are upsetting, so it can be a hard read at times. But I think an essential one, especially for white people.

I highly recommend this book.

Oh, and thanks to this book, I've finally learned where the term 'Jim Crowe' comes from.

#AmReading #BritishHistory #BlackBritishHistory #Slavery

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😩 The printer of my self-published comic books announced a dramatic increase of prices (+45%) starting 1st July. That's sad... So, if you want them, I invite you to shop in June before the price hike:


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Asexuality has nothing to do with repressive ideas of sexual virtue. Aces are not more self-controlled, we do not necessarily refrain from sex, we are not waiting for the "right" person to come along, and we are not all monogamous. Moralizing our lack of sexual attraction does not help us and only feeds into slut-shaming rhetoric.

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Canada genocide 

On top killing 200+ indigenous children in 1 Canadian school, they also have been force-inserting IUDs into 9 year olds to sterilize them this decade in ongoing genocide. Canada likes goin after others' human rights violations, but maybe clean the child bones out your house first

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The #OnlineSafetyBill means:

(1) The Home Secretary decides what content FB and Twitter must remove, and how;

(2) Companies must be able to read your private messages

(3) Services that don’t comply get banned from App Stores, blocked on ISPs

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!