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leinir boosted

UK politics 

The message from the minister for housing on Radio 4 this morning was clear: Do everything we tell you without complaint, or be made homeless.

The Torytrash stated that people who 'played by the rules' would get social housing. This from a party that made protesting against it illegal and which plans to make being homeless illegal. The idea is to arrest those who disagree with the government, take away their housing and then arrest them again for being homeless. Once they are prisoners they cannot vote, because the UK continues to ignore international court judgements against it like they were international laws and treaties.

leinir boosted

Online anonymity: study found ‘stable pseudonyms’ created a more civil environment than real user names 

'What matters, it seems, is not so much whether you are commenting anonymously, but whether you are invested in your persona and accountable for its behaviour in that particular forum. There seems to be value in enabling people to speak on forums without their comments being connected, via their real names, to other contexts.

...calls to end anonymity online by forcing people to reveal their real identities might not have the effects people expect'

leinir boosted

Inspired by @vnglst amazing work, I re-implemented Pong Wars in C++ on top of the Qt Scene Graph and a bit of Kirigami :)

Source code is here:

leinir boosted
leinir boosted

I love Elle Cordova and her clever, funny videos. This one is for all my writer and editor friends.

leinir boosted

Two weeks into the Binface London Mayoral Crowdfunder 2024 and we're at £1971! Chip in here, to help me push towards the £10k target.
All extra money will be donated to Shelter to combat homelessness.

leinir boosted

I just found out about, a search engine that exclusively works on RSS feeds that have been submitted to it. Could be a good source for finding actual humans in a rapidly enshittifying internet.

If you have an RSS feed you should submit yours to it as well!

leinir boosted

I work for the #NHS but don’t often have call to use it. #Tonight was a little different.

It involved three blue light transfers and several hours in #Resus.

I have never ever received such a timely and responsive service before, but when I needed it, it was there.

#Today is #Day241 of #365HappyDays and whilst my medical emergency is no reason to be #happy, the care and treatment I received most certainly is. I’m extraordinarily #grateful.

Don’t let the Tories destroy it. Please. #GTTO

leinir boosted

Discriminating against enbies is justified in the UK when it’s too much effort, according to The High Court. 😡

“The High Court … found that nonbinary gender is a relevant status when considering whether someone has been subject to discrimination. The Court also agreed that the difference in how Ryan was treated, … was discriminatory. However, the Court found that this discrimination could be justified on grounds of administrative convenience and cost…”

leinir boosted
leinir boosted

Fox tails.

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leinir boosted

European parliament MEPs have voted to outlaw use of terms such as “environmentally friendly”, “natural”, “biodegradable”, “climate neutral” or “eco” without evidence, while introducing a total ban on using carbon #offsetting schemes to substantiate claims

leinir boosted

If you are a citizen of any EU Member State, I implore you to consider signing the Tax-the-Rich citizen's initiative:

The idea is to tax the super rich and then use the money for climate justice. :blobcathappypaws:

This is an official EU citizen's initiative, meaning that if it reaches certain thresholds, it *will have to be* considered by the EU institutions. This is a really powerful tool, if actually used.

So we should use it. :blobcatcool:

#TaxTheRich #EU

leinir boosted

The UK government has written some terrible draft guidance for schools about how to treat trans kids.

They're asking for people's opinions about the current draft.

As far as I can see, you don't have to be in the UK to respond.

The consultation is here:

And the draft guidance is here:

This will be a thread of some suggestions for what I included in my response.

#transphobia #trans #lgbtq

leinir boosted

Many people don't realise just how important it is to keep your silly levels high. Low silly levels can cause a variety of complications, but most importantly if your silly levels are too low you cannot dilly.
And if you can't dilly, where's the dally???

Keep your silly levels up, people! Nobody wants to be caught dully when it's time to dillydally.

leinir boosted

KDE e.V. is hiring! The non-profit behind KDE is looking for a project lead and event manager for a new project to promote environmentally-sustainable software and long-term hardware and funded by the German government. It's a part time job (10h/week) and for a duration of two years.

If you are interested, here are some additional informaiton

#FediHire @be4foss

leinir boosted

« #AaronSwartz planned to publish millions of scientific articles, financed by public money and on which the authors received nothing. Prosecuted before he had published anything, he risked 35 years in prison. Facing this prospect, he committed suicide on 11 January 2013. 11 years ago.

In 2024, #OpenAI will apply its algorithms to any document, online or offline, without the consent of the authors. No one is likely to be prosecuted.

#IntellectualProperty is just a tool of oppression. » @ploum

leinir boosted - a fedi server for us 

your monthly reminder that is a server for bipoc folks tired of the very white fedi ...

this server is managed by me - fyrfli - alone at the moment. we are still small so just me is ok for the time being. i am keeping an eye out for help, tho... especially if we start growing.


  • boost this if you know someone who's getting silenced and ignored when they talk about their lives.
  • boost this if you like the idea of more bipoc spaces on the fedi
  • boost this if you like it here and want other folks to come share the joy
  • boost this if you just like boosting things...

eh ... boost this cos ... why not.


leinir boosted

Hypothesis: queers make up roughly or more than 50% of the active people on Fedi.

Boost for science!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!