im lilith/rose! a 20 yr old trans bigender girl, she/her or he/him, im a marxist, uhh specifics are complicated, im bisexual but just like my gender still mostly (into) girl(s), im mentally ill but diagnosis is a mess. also im white.
I should sleep soon probably but I'm somewhere between sad and happy abt seeing my gf soon and having a cute person flirt with me earlier so I'm not sure if I'm gonna
Sorry I ended up disappearing for like a month lmao my laptop broke and I only just got round to logging in on mobile o: (and I'll be replacing my laptop soon bcos it was old and the cost to repair it isn't worth it)
im lilith/rose! a 20 yr old trans bigender girl, she/her or he/him, im a marxist, uhh specifics are complicated, im bisexual but just like my gender still mostly (into) girl(s), im mentally ill but diagnosis is a mess. also im white.
Joined Feb 2019
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!