People on Mastodon say "there's no algorithm, you need to curate the people and hashtags you follow", regarding migrating from Twitter.

Thing is: I never cared about The Algorithm™ nor hashtags to begin with, I already just followed people I like or whose work I like.

Now, people who say the above, what do you tell someone like me, when the people they used to follow on Twitter just aren't on Mastodon/the Fediverse?

I want to like this model of social media, but... so far, I'm not convinced.

@xdanieldzd yeah the fragmentation is real
enough of my friends & mutuals from twitter are on here that it is worth me being here to keep in touch with them, but it definitely still appeals to a particular niche & big groups of people just aren't here and probably will never be

@lion Pretty much all of that, yeah. There is a lot to say against centralized platforms, but (assuming they eventually reach critical mass) the fact that they *are* centralized means that "everyone is here!", as that Smash Bros tagline/meme went.


@xdanieldzd one thing that was/is great about twitter for me is how international it is in a way very few other platforms ever managed & I don't see that on here or any of the other alternatives really

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Computer Fairies

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